The Surprise

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Sarah's POV:

I woke up to Jordan hitting me with a pillow.
"Wake up you lazy slut."
But I knew even Jordan couldn't bring me down today.
"Oh my gosh! I got a text!" I said, faking it.
"Wow, first one this month?" He said, and even though I wouldn't admit it, if you didn't include Skype texts, yeah, he was right.
But instead I rolled my eyes and said, "Oh no... I have to work late tonight! I hate working late."
"Let me see the messages," He demanded, and I showed him them. He didn't have to know I was just texting myself the whole conversation, and renaming it "boss", does he?
"Ugh fine," he said.
I left my apartment with a smile on my face. I walked to CVS and texted Will.
Sarah: Today, right?
Will: Yup! At 9:00!
I sighed and walked into work, turning my phone all the way off so I could add there numbers later-if I get them.
I bagged everyone's items, until it was 8:30. "Oh, boss, I'm going now!" I told him about it earlier and because I never missed work, he aloud it.
"See you tomorrow," He said as I walked out the door. I walked to there hotel and found the right door. Knocking on it, my heart beat faster than it ever has been. I found a note on
the floor saying: ITS OPEN COME IN!!
I slowly twisted the handle until the door opened a little. I expected to hear talking, maybe a laughter, something, but I didn't hear anything. I allowed myself in in my shorts and tee shirt which I changed into at work.
"Oh, they must have not wanted me to come after all," I told myself. I tear
formed and slid down my cheek, remembering the times I have said that before. Another tear.
"How could I be so stupid?" I muttered, and peered at my cuts.
You are so stupid, Sarah! To think The Cube, THE CUBE wanted you! Jordan doesn't even want you, your mom is embarrassed of you, you are a liar, a fatty, a terrible, disgusting, mean-
"SURPRISE!" I heard and I turned around to see The Cube throw balloons and confetti around as they all jumped out of the bathroom.
I wiped the tears away, but they were soon replaced with happy ones. I looked around with a big smile on my face and then faced The Cube.
"Yeah we were, uh, kinda bored," Mitchell, or StrauberryJam, said.
"Yeah, we got excited when Will told us how pretty you are," Zack, or Graser10, said. He nudged Will as we both blushed. I looked around and finally saw liam, I was speechless. HBomb94, Liam, the guy who kept my head up and the only reason I'm still here, was in the same room as me.
"I'm, I'm speechless!" I said, stating my thoughts.
"Let's hope that's a good thing," Parker said as they all spread out in the hotel room.
"Okay this is officially the coolest thing ever! But I do have a question for all of you, sorry, haha!" That wasn't a fake laugh that time.
"Sure," Liam, HBomb, said. My heart pounded.
"How'd you come up with the Cube?" I said.
"It all just kinda happened," Parker said.
"Yeah, we were all friends and thought it'd be cool to make an SMP," Mitch said. "So we did!"
I felt boring compared to the lively boys, jumping around, talking.
"Okay, I'm sorry I'm like freaking out on the inside," I said, laughing.
Liam laughed, too. I wanted to scream.
"So wait, you all live in this hotel room?!" I asked.
"Oh no," Liam said, looking directly at me. " Our hotel rooms are all on this floor though."
"Oh, haha, I don't know why I thought that, honestly," I said.
We all broke into our own conversations, and thankfully, I got to have a real conversation with Liam! We talked about Pokémon, YouTube, and life in general. At the end of it, we decided it would be smart to keep in touch, and collab sometimes. He was moving to New York, so it shouldn't be a problem hanging out. Not for him, but, I have a boyfriend to worry about. Soon, we all had a big conversation, one where I truly was myself. It was so unreal, but it was. I pinched myself a few times, Liam caught me once and laughed. He pulled me into his side, "You aren't dreaming, I promise."
"You sure?" I asked, laughing.
We were cut off by Zack, Pokediger, yelling, "HBOMBPLAYS!!"
"Wow, after all this time I thought you might know my YouTube name," Liam replied with.
I snorted, he looked down at me and chuckled, he pulled me closer.
"No, it's your ship name! Sarah and Liam. Aww!" Will said, catching on. Although, he looked a bit jealous.
I blushed, so did Liam, but we both didn't deny it. Then suddenly Grape said, "We should watch one of her videos right now!"
"Wait no that would be so awkward!" I said.
"For you," Isaac, PrivateFearless, said and laughed.
They played my last episode of Skywars, the one I posted yesterday.
At the end of it, Graser actually seemed very impressed.
"Woah, all of your videos are like this?"
"Yeah, why?" I asked, clueless.
"Well, here Grape," He said, calling him over.
"They stood whispering as the rest of us stood in science. Breaking it, I said, "I knew this was going to be awkward." I laughed and looked at Isaac, who said, "So another one!"
We watched all 84 of my Skywars episode until I turned my phone on, receiving a missed call from Jordan. I looked at the time, 6 AM! How could I put an excuse to that?!
"Oh no, oh no, ohno, ohno!" I said, pacing.
"Wait, what?!" Liam asked.
"My, uh, boyfriend?"
"You have a boyfriend?!" Liam asked. Aww, he cared.
"No! Well, yes, but he's, um," I paused. "Abusive," I said showing him the bruises. The room fell in silence.
"Break up with him," Liam demanded.
"Liam it's not that easy-"
"Why not?"
"Last time he, um, he, uhh, he... He uh," I trailed off, looking embarrassed.
"Did he," Liam's voice grew quiet. "Rape you?"
After a while, I responded.
"Yes, he, um, he raped me. I tried to call the police but he took my phone and slammed it against the door. I took a cab to the hospital, he was mad that I left. I had surgery and an abortion. He never visited. I told him I was arriving at 11:30 and-"
"It's way past that," Mitch said.
"Wow, couldn't realize," I snapped. "Sorry!" I regretted saying that, he was one of my favorite YouTubers!
"You're okay," He said, smiling, but in a kind way. "My fault."
After a minute or two of science, Liam began.
"I'll help you break up with him."
"I'll help too," Straub started. "And I'm sure Bee would help." The rest of the Cube agreed eventually.
"With all of us there, there's no way he could pull us all down," he explained.
"Oh my gosh! I love you guys!"
"Sarah?" Graser asked.
"Would you like to join the Cube?"

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