chapter 1

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"Go away"I don't want to see your ugly face".The old lady shouted.

Samantha kept the bowl of ripe strawberries and cream at the steps and ran. She was used to of being shouted at by the her. She ran through the bustling streets of Nameek.

Kore,her staff  and wrinkled and scarred face, no longer scared Samantha.

Samantha and her family had recently moved to Nameek. It was a beautiful town.

Most people worked at the farms.They planted different vegetables, fruits and flowers. After working all day, the men and women gathered in the market place.There were shops,pubs,and an inn.People traded,gossiped, danced and kids played. Young boys showed their tricks. The young girls nudged,blushed and giggled.

In the simple,small town people never had many topics of discussion. Not much happened.So,people used to talk a lot about Kore.

Some called her a witch!Others thought she was an evil spirit!No one really knew who she actually was.Why?Beacause nobody really wanted to know.

The people of Nameek loved to gossip about Kore. They made stories about her.But everyone was scared of her. No one had the guts to ask her. People avoided her.and she avoided them as well. She only came out of her hut when some naughty kids of the town gathered beside her hut and disturbed her.

For the first few days, Samantha didn't socialize much,she just lingered around the crowd of elderly women who talked and laughed loudly.They talked a lot about kore.That is how she came to knew about Kore.

Naturally she was a very curious child.She was always inquisitive,eager to learn new things, discover secrets and solve mysteries.

So ,one evening Samantha decided to visit the much famous Kore. She had no difficulty in finding her dwelling. As the hut stood out from the rest of the brightly painted houses of Nameek.It invoked a feeling of gloom and sadness in Samantha.

She peered through the wooden window. She could see nothing as it was too dark.A chill ran down her back as she felt something on her shoulder.

Mustering up her courage Samantha turned around to find an old lady standing there. She was undoubtedly Kore.The people of Nameek had described her accurately; old and scary.

Samantha could hear her heartbeat."she is gonna slit my throat and drink my blood"thinking this Samantha looked at Kore closely. She was holding a few strawberries in her other hand.

They were muddy. It seemed as if they had been picked from ground."Good gracious,turns out Kore is a vegetarian...

"Run away, you rascal"Smantha's thoughts were interrupted by kore's shouting and after that she just ran as quick as her legs would.

After this incidence, Samantha took strawberries to kore's house daily. And it was the fifth day. Her fear had vanished completely.

Samantha knew she was not evil. She could see beyond kore's ugly face.She had started to feel a connection with Kore.

Samantha ran down the steep hilly path. She stopped for a while to catch her breath.It was beginning to get dark. The light shining out through the windows of houses could be seen at a distance.

Smantha hurried to reach home.She had told her mother that she'd spend the evening exploring the town and surroundings.Her mother had let her go on the condition that she'd return before dark.

Nameek was a beautiful place. Green trees, big fields, lush grass,different sorts of flowers,fresh water springs and canals added to the beauty of town.

In other half of the town houses and the market place,social hub of the town, was situated.The houses of people and Kore's hut was separated by the fields.

The people of Nameek were very amicable and friendly.It was a small town with loads of love and peace.

Samantha was gradually beginning to like the town. She enjoyed roaming around in the quiet and peaceful atmosphere. She liked the people and they liked her back.After all who wouldn't like Samantha Syrun. She was pretty girl,well mannered and polite. She had not made any friends due to her reserved nature. But, many girls were willing to be friends with her. In general Samantha was very happy in this new town her family had moved in,five days ago.

"God!I got back in time".Samantha thought as she pushed open the door ."Mommy, I smell something delicious".She shouted delightfully."yeah! Just go n tidy up.The dinner is ready. I made your favourite steaks and French fries.
"Great".I'll be on the dinner table in a moment.Samantha said and entered her room. Later, they had the dinner.Samantha's mom and Dad talked about work.She went to sleep.

Samantha, was lying on her bed, thinking about her day.Soon she was in deep slumber. Sleeping peacefully,away and safe from the perils of world.
A/N:So this was the first chapter of my first story. Like every story, the first few chapters maybe a bit boring but I promise it will get better and better. I hope you guys like it if you do make sure to vote,promote and fan. Also feel free to comment any grammatical mistakes,errors or your suggestions. I really appreciate your support! Thanks for reading and make sure you checkout the next chapter as well.

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