Chapter no 11

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Emma and Ashnur spent the whole evening talking with each other. They had so much to talk about. They discussed almost everything from food to clothes and from clothes to music. Then they put on an old movie and watched it while eating homemade popcorn. Both of them were comfortable and it was like they had never fought and nothing had ever happened.
They had Decided to spend the night together so Ashnur called her parents and informed them. This frequently happened in the past that one of the girls decided to stay with the other so her parents had no issues.
They changed in their night dresses and went to bed.

Ashnur began to write in her diary. It was her habit since the childhood. She loved writing in her journal. It was one of her most prized possession and she took it wherever she went. It was pretty purple book with silver stars on it. The special thing about the book was that it was very massive but it could be folded into a very small booklet that would fit in a tiny pocket,and it would feel light as a feather. Emma had tried a lot to figure out the mechanism of the book but then she gave up as Emma had never liked that diary. It was somehow disturbing for her.

As Ashnur started to write in her journal, silence fell in the room and Emma let her mind wander.She thought about her sweet friend and how happy she was to have her back in her life. She recalled their childhood memories.Both of them had the best childhood. As kids They were deeply loved and cared for by their parents, . Emma's thoughts shifted towards present from past and she began to think how they had stayed angry with each other for apparently no reason at all.
Earlier that day, when Ash and Emma were talking, Emma had made a joke about the thing that people were thinking that some boy had came between them. At this both of them had laughed until their stomach hurt. But, then Ashnur had said that no boy can ever come between us but a boy was involved in whatever happened that day!!"What do you mean"was Emma's response and then Ash had narrated the whole incidence of seeing the handsome boy in the apple orchard and losing the track of time.After listening the whole story Emma had simply changed the topic very smartly.But now,lying in her bed she was thinking about the matter. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't believe this. Seeing a handsome boy in that part of town was as unlikely as seeing an Angel or a spirit and even if she believed the part about the boy, Emma couldn't bring herself to accept that Ash had actually seen a dragon. She was confident that dragons and other such creatures existed only in the stories and minds of writers.Such things are not and can't be really.

The more Emma thought about the issue, the more puzzled she got. It is one thing to believe that magical creatures exist and totally different thing to claim that I have actually seen them.Emma got worried about Ash. Is she having hallucinations or what? Maybe her mind is playing tricks on her, she thought, after all you see what you believe.I'll talk to her in detail tomorrow. Thinking this she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Emma and Ashnur didn't have school the next morning. They stayed in bed till late and when they got up ,Emma's mother Ellie gave them their favourite cereal for breakfast. Ellie talked to the girls for a while and then went for work. The girls had the house all to themselves. They watched a movie and then had a spa day. Ash painted her nails a rich shade of blue and her pretty hands looked prettier. Emma chose a grey Mani and while painting her nails she asked Ash that she also wanted to see the boy!
Why not dear! We will go there together now.He comes there every sing day. Ashnur sounded really cheerful and excited!she was happy because she had her friend back.Emma,looked at her with  confused expression.

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