chapter 4

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This is so beautiful!
This is amazing!
Such a lovely sight.....So beautiful!!"Ashnur exclaimed.
She sounded really excited about something as she called Emma,
"come here,Emma!
come here,see what I found",She shouted loudly and enthusiastically.
Emma ran towards Ashnur."coming, Ash"she yelled.
In a second, she was bending over Ashnur's shoulder .Emma was utterly disappointed to see what she found.
"All this fuss over such an ordinary thing!!come on!Ashnur, grow up! what is this?you got all excited because you found a flower ring",
Emma said with a hint of annoyance in her voice."
Oh Emma !!why you don't understand dear
,this is no ordinary ring, I mean nothing is ordinary in that case, but this ring,this particular flower ring is so special, you know what the legend says about it....
"Not again ",
Emma thought angrily.
She knew now, ashnur will tell her
how important the ring is,
how it is narrated in the chronicles that anyone who finds this ring is lucky,
he always gets power and might.
This ring is a signal from the divine,
those who find it are blessed forever.
They live happily,
this is a blessing indeed.
This thing had happened  many times before.
somehow ashnur always found the ring, once in her room, another time lying in the grass, she always seemed to get those rings and always she got excited like a child.
Emma ,on the other hand ,didn't believe in these things. Though ,she wanted all the hapiness in  the world for ash.
but she strictly rejected these things and always tried to persuade Ash that a mere flower ring doesn't determine your luck.
It can't make or break anything and
probably a child made it and then threw it away when she got bored.
Ashnur never agreed to that, she believed a lot in the legends.
Emma regarded these things as superstition and ash called it spiritual.
Emma and Ashnur were totally different from each other. Emma had brown hair. She was tall and slim. Her complexion was fair and overall she was an attractive young girl.
Ashnur was a classical beauty.
Her blonde hair was extremely long,soft and shiny.It almost seemed to glow. Whosoever looked at it couldn't stop himself from admiring it. Ashnur's sleek  hair looked like melted gold flowing down on her back.
She had the perfect body.
She had fair and soft skin. Her deep green eyes seemed to cast a spell on anyone who looked at them.
They had the depth of a sea. Her eyes were so beautiful once you looked at them you had to look again and again.The long curled lashes made those eyes even more beautiful.
Her lips were the prettiest shade of pink and her nose was small and chiselled. She had the face of an angel.
Emma and Ashnur were not only different in their looks. They were totally different in their thinking and attitude.
Emma was a very practical and realistic girl.
She always thought in accordance with facts and figures. She had mature thinking and wasn't very emotional. Emma didn't do much thinking and imagining.
She just worked really hard at school.
She wanted to study "madriang"(the ancient subject in which you study about treating diseases and healing wounds through the special herbs )She was a the kind of girl who always has her nose in a book.She didn't talk much.Being a bit shy, she didn't make much friends. In fact
She only had one friend and that was Ashnur.
Ashnur was a diva. She didn't belong to that world. She had a very very strong imagination. She also loved to read and like Emma she could be mostly seen with a book but those books were never course books. She read books of different sorts,children stories and fairy tales,religious records, books about wars and battles, stories of heroes,love stories and tales of foreign lands,books about magic and magical beings, volumes about history,books that were strange and beautiful at the same time......and dangerous as well.
Ashnur lived in another world.She was a dreamy girl. She had fantasies of her her mind she had created another world a very beautiful world, a magical world a happy world.
But in that world Emma was also with her. She loved her a lot. Whenever she thought of her future she automatically thought of Emma as well.They were inseparable friends. They were soul sisters. They had nothing in common but they had a strong bond.they understood and loved each other deeply with all their heart.Emma was crazy for Ash and Ash for Emma.

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