Chapter no 13

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The hut looked small and shabby from outside but it was comfy and warm. Samantha ,Edwin and the man were sitting on a soft rug near the fire.They had talked a bit and now they were on friendly terms. The man played a melodious tune on his flute and  they listened to him, both lost in their own thoughts. Samantha was staring at the blazing fire.

Today had been a really strange and long day for her. She had went through so much. But she wasn't feeling tensed,tired and depressed at all. Instead the gentle warmth was soothing to her. Like a mother rocking her child in her arms. It was so peaceful and serene.Sitting by the fire with Edwin and Donald(their host), listening to the foreign music was so satisfying. At that momment Samantha had no worries.She was living in the moment,enjoying every second to the fullest. She was so relaxed that she was about to fall asleep when Donald stopped playing the flute abruptly as he heard a knock at the door.

Donald got up to open the door. Edwin and Samantha looked at each other."who can it be?"her heartbeat accelerated as she thought of the possibility that it might be Kore! Edwin sensed hear fear, he took her hand in his and pressed it ,as if saying I am with you. Samantha smiled a little.

Samantha felt how stupid she had been when she saw a boy enter the room. He was undoubtedly Donald's son.Donald had told them about his son who had a shop in a town.But both of them had totally forgotten  about him.
His name was Klein. He was tall and muscular . He was good looking but looked kind of goofy at the same time.

He had a friendly smile on his face.He did not ask them anything. Maybe Donald had gestured him to stay quiet .He didn't inquire anything and that ended Samantha's discomfort. Now ,another person had joined their company. The four of them sat near the fire but not in silence this time. Klein was a very talkative fellow.He was witty and humorous. He told them different funny incidents about his job as a shopkeeper. The way he described the customers and other people he met was really interesting. He entertained them a lot and Samantha's laughter was the loudest.

After some time, Donald declared that he was hungry.Everyone was hungry as it was quiet late.klein got up saying that he would make the food.Samantha and Edwin helped him peel and cut the vegetables.Though, Samantha was good at cooking she couldn't help him much as she was unfamiliar with the dish He was making.When, she and Edwin insisted to help he gave them some veggies to peel and slice. After that, she just watched him while chatting with them.

The dinner was served shortly.Klein,really was a good Cook. He had made some kind of vegetable rice.It was really yummy. She loved the taste and filled herself.Edwin also liked the food. Afterwards they had egg pudding for desert.It was so tasty.Samantha loved the food so much she ate  even after she was full. After sometime she began to feel sleepy. Her eyelids were heavy and she yawned. "You look tired",Donald said kindly."well,it's been a long day!"Samantha replied."okay, let me take you to your room."

There were two bedrooms in the house.Samantha was given the smaller room. It was Klein's.Donald, Edwin and Klein slept in Donald's room which was comparatively spacious.Samantha said good night to the boys and went to her room.

Klein's room was small and warm.The floor was bare and there was minimum furniture;a bed,a chair and a round table. Samantha looked around.It wasn't that bad. She actually liked it, atleast it was fit to spend the night. There was only one door in the room that opened in Donald's room. Exactly opposite to the door was a Wooden window. Samantha went across the room and opened the window.She saw the full moon shining brightly in the sky. She was mesmerized by it's beauty. The moonlight had always attracted her.

Samantha gazed at it for a while but then the cold wind blowing from outside began to make her uncomfortable. She shut the window.Samantha looked at the walls.They were  white and simple with almost no decorations.She could only see a single photograph hanging above the door. She went close to see it clearly. It was an old picture of a much younger a Donald,a kid Samantha recognized  as Klein and a pretty woman.

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