chapter 08

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The next day Ashnur stood outside Emma's house. She wanted to go to school with her.Emma always came out on exact time but today she was late. Ashnur pressed the button of the horn on her bicycle,recklessly.Emma's mother came out,"what's the matter child, you ought to be at your school!what are you doing here?"she was a kind lady."uh actually I was just waiting for Emma"she stammered."Are you serious Emma just left for school about 15 minutes ago."


Emma and Ashnur didn't talk for the whole day.They sat at different tables during the lunch. Ashnur couldn't understand why Emma was acting so childish. According to her she was fussing over nothing. Emma on the other hand was really hurt due to the fact that Ash had left her alone and went somewhere without even telling her. She had been so scared when she had found that Ashnur wasn't under the apple tree near her. She wanted an explanation and a heartfelt apology from Ashnur,who didn't even bother to talk to her. Apparently,their friendship was not as strong as they thought it to be.The school day ended,booth went home without talking .


Ashnur crawled out of her bed. She was in her PJs.Her eyes were red and puffy. Her head felt heavy.She sat at the edge of her bed, for a few momments. Then she got up energetically. Made some tea for herself in her kettle .She felt better and after that she picked up the things she had thrown on the floor in her anger.She mobbed the floor, made a bed and picked out clothes for her.

A few momments later,she was downstairs .She was wearing a white shirt and black sweaters,she had tied her shiny black hair in a low ponytail. She wore her black sneakers and headed towards the apple orchard. It was the first time, she was going without Emma.


Emma had made a new friend that day. She was a new girl in her school, very nice and sweet she was, Emma had also been really kind and polite to her. Emma had sat with her during school and they had talked a lot.

Days passed by. Emma's friendship with the new girl was growing stronger and her friendship with Ashnur had become a story of past. They didn't even talk to each other but the other kids at ' Nameek high' talked a lot about their friendship .There were different stories and rumours spreading in the school. No one knew the truth but everyone kept guessing.Noone had actually witnessed their fight but all of them had sensed the growing tension between them. It was a hot issue foe the kids.Even ,the teachers were shocked at this sudden change. They could always be found in the same spot, actually their friendship was very famous in the whole town. But,things had changed.


Then, one day Emma went to Ashnur's home. She wanted to be friends again because of three main reasons:1)she was beginning to miss Ash a lot. 2)her new friend had given her a really long lecture focusing on the fact that, she should clear the misunderstanding and apologize For her mistake. 3)her mother had heard something about their row and she was really unhappy about it. She had satisfied her mother by saying that, these are only rumours. So there she stood, knocking on the door. "Coming mom",she heard Ashnur shout, "so her mother is not home,that's even better, I don't want to face aunt Ellie at this time."She came out of her deep thoughts when the door opened suddenly. Emma and Ashnur stood there, facing each other.


Emma had never thought that one day she would have to actually think about and consider her words before saying them in front of her best friend.They had been so close and now they were so distant. There was an invisible wall between them,"how would I ever be able to end this distance,she felt an uneasiness, an emptiness in her soul."
She was unable to think. Ash had more or less same feelings and then
Stepped forward and hugged each other.Neither of them uttered a single word,no apologies,no explanations,no excuses.
Later,that afternoon, two girls sat on a comfortable bed,talking, laughing, crying and eating chocolate at the same time and it was then that Ash revealed the secret of the handsome boy and his magical creature.

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