Chapter 14

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Samantha looked at the picture for sometime. "A beautiful family",she thought to herself. She admired the lady in the picture.She was very beautiful. Although the picture was old and even the silver frame holding it was Rusty, the portrait was perfect.A valuable family photo!she smiled.

Thinking this Samantha turned her back to the picture. She was beginning to get tired so she climbed itno the bed.Samantha tried to sleep but she simply couldn't.

Although she was tired and her body demanded sleep, her mind was hyperactive.She couldn't stop thinking about the events of the day.So much had happened in a day. She remembered how she had rescued Edwin, how they ran together and how he had healed her wound.

"The strangest part is",she thought to herself "how was Edwin able to heal me like that,there isn't even a single mark on my foot..... !!!Samantha had been so worrired on seeing her injured foot.She had been saure that her foot would need surgery or some complicated medical procedure.He did it effirtlessly.

And what did he mean when he said that he belonged to another world. Man! This is 21st century!does he really expect me to believe his tall tales ! Is he really that dumb! But wait actually believed him .!!!Didn't I?? So yeah ,I am the dumb one. Or maybe he is telling the truth,maybe this is what it is!!!"The more she thought about it the more confused she got.
She was desperate to know the truth. She thought of many possibilities but she couldn't find any reasonable explanation of the strangest happenings.She concluded that she can never figure out the truth all by herself.
"I need to talk to him! What he was doing there in Kore's hut,why was he tied and what is happening!I am sure he will explain everything to me. She smiled ,satisfied.The load was lifted off her mind and she yawened.

After switching on the nigh bulb,Samantha pulled the blanket over her and closed her eyes,trying to sleep.She could not sleep in dark.It didn't scare her but she really liked to sleep in dim light. She was glad that there was a night bulb in the room.

It was then, that she heard a faint noise and then footsteps.Her eyes were wide open. The person seemed to be walking carefully.As if he didn't want to wake up anyone. Samantha was alert, no sign of sleep. She tried harder to listen and her heart shrank as she felt someone pushing at her door.

Her first guess was Kore. "She will kidnap me and take me to her hut.She'd get her revenge.I stopped her from killing Edwin.Now she'll kill me in return. If she was able to overpower someone like him she can easily tear me apart. "
"Oh God!",Samantha mumbled over and over again,praying for her safety and for Edwin's. "He is the reason I am here in first place. He is the cause of my plight. And still I am thinking about his safety! Well call me weird.

She was fearful. She sunk lower in her bed and pretended to be sleeping.Samantha tried her best to keep her face impassive.But deep down she was scared as hell. Her body was drenched in sweat as she heard the door open with a slight creak.Her eyes were tightly shut but she sensed person approaching her. Samantha held her breath as she felt a hand near her neck.

Edwin looked at Samantha for a while.She looked even prettier in sleep. She looked like an innocent child. Edwin brushed a strand of hair from her face and adjusted the blanket. "She will probably freak out if she wakes up now and sees me here in her room, I need to go"he turned to go when Samantha opened her eyes.

She knew it was him. She didn't know how she knew it but she did."Wait",she climbed out of the bed hurriedly. And went to stand in front of Edwin.Samantha crossed her arms in front of her chest.Edwin could see she was pissed off."You got some explaining to do Mr."She said giving him a death glare.

Samantha grabbed Edwin's hand and dragged him to her bed."Sit",she said legitimately pushing Edwin towards the bed."First thing! What were you doing in my room?she asked ,anger still evident from her eyes.

"I was just .....I mean I just needed to see if you were okay, if you needed something??.....",he said nervously, he had not expected this.

"Well I was not okay!!! He nearly gave me a heartattack.What dies he think of himself. Barging in my room at this hour like that. I was so scared",she couldn't say that out aloud as she didn't want to show her weakness."He'll probably think I am chicken if he knows how scared I was".

He coughed and Samantha's train of thoughts came to sudden stop."Oh reeeeally !?she rolled her eyes that's so sweet, I need some some vanilla ice cream topped with fresh strawberries,will you please get me that"Samantha said in a sarcastic tone,"That was really stupid thing to say but she was so angry at him, she couldn't think logically.

Edwin looked at her shocked and amused at the same time."This girl",he smirked. "What are you smiling at?? Where is the ice cream ,can't see it!"His smile had irritated her even more.

Well if that is what you need,he said stressing on 'need',Samantha looked terrified as he handed her a crystal bowl of delicious looking ice cream topped with red strawberries."OH MY!!!!Samantha exclaimed..... How did you!!!!She had only asked him because she was sure he won't be able to get it.She'd then tell him that there was no point in coming to her room."but this was so unbelievable.

Sit,he held her other hand and pulled her on the bed. Samantha sat beside him,she was speechlesss."Now,listen carefully, I'll tell you everything, just don't interrupt me and no questions till I finish .Samantha nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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