chapter 09

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Samantha and the boy dashed forward.Samantha didn't have much running experience,so the boy was ahead of her. She was running at normal pace, but the sound of footsteps behind her compelled her to increase her speed tenfold."They'll kill me,if they catch me.I can't, I have to stay safe,I have to run."these thoughts crossed her mind and she completely lost everything, at that time the most important thing For her was to run.

They, stopped when Samantha stumbled over a rock and she fell. Samantha came out of a trance. The excitement and vigor faded away. She felt a wave of pain in her body. Her stomach hurt, her legs and arms were bruised ,she had a pounding headache and above all else her foot was swollen and red and it ached like hell."Why didn't I feel all this pain before?"She thought this as a hand stretched out in front of her. She took his hand and he helped her on her feet.His touch was soft, yet his grip on her hand was firm.

For a momment Samantha stared itno his eyes, then she simply looked away and uttered thanks in a small voice, he just smiled at her and Samantha very much liked his smile,"your foot is badly injured and it looks like it has been bitten? What happened?",he asked politely,his voice sounded a bit different than before,"uh well you know I was hiding in the cluster of the trees beside the k...,uh witch's hut and there were these tiny insects you know and they bit me ,so yeah that's what happened",Samantha was feeling nervous,"Stupid mind, stop playing tricks on me"she said under her breath after completing the sentence,"oh that's weird,can I have a closer look, saying this he bent down, she flinched as he touched the swollen spot,he looked up and asked ,"does it hurt a lot?""A lot,"she replied,Samantha didn't want to reveal her weakness but it had been such a long day for her.Samantha saw his expressions change from concern to relief, it's nothing serious,we just need to take care of the poison.

"What!are you kiding?I got poison in my veins and you say it's not serious!, Samantha couldn't hold the tears any more, yes she was crying in front of a  stranger whom she had only met! But you can't blame her, she was cold and tired, her muscles ached from the running, she had got bruises on her whole body and now this boy was telling her that she had been stung by a poisonous insect! She was feeling anxiety, fear and anger at the same time.

"Hey, hey I was thinking you're a brave girl, he came closer and wiped away the tears from her face, she would smack him if he touched her like that under normal  circumstances but these were not normal circumstances,"See it's poison but it's not a deadly one ,it doesn't spread in your body and just stays in the wound plus I can cure it really easily, so you need not to worry,"she lifted her tear-filled eyes and looked at him hopefully,"you will cure me?" And while doing this Samantha looked so indescribably beautiful that he lost himself for a moment:"yes ,I will". He knelt and put his hand a little above her swollen foot, he uttered something for a while and then to her utmost surprise Samantha black smoke rising from the wound, she felt a burning sensation, as if her skin was set on fire.This was too much, she was about to Pull back but she realised she couldn't move. This was the strangest experience of Samantha's life ,not to mention most painful."Stop it",she wanted to shout but she couldn't even shout. Samantha felt utterly helpless. She could feel her eyes fill up again. She was in agony! And she couldn't even express her pain!"what is he doing to me! What if he kills me?what  if he hurts me?why did I trust him!why did I do this!!why did I trust me,I don't even know him, why didn't I just run away!I will ask him who he is, when I'll be able to talk again if I ever will be...

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