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Third pov:
The boys looked at the new sakura and damn were they surprised.
"i'll see you guys on the roof then." sakura said as she walked down the corridor. It didn't take long until the boys where walking by her side.
As they opened the door to the roof, they saw their sensei standing and reading a book. They got seated on the stairs thingy .
"Let's introduce ourselves." Kakashi drawled .
"why dont you go first sensei you look kind of suspicious." Naruto said
"my name is Kakashi Hakate, My likes and dislikes i will not tell, hobbies dont have one and my goal is none of your business." kakashi said
"all he told us is his name" sakura said to naruto who nodded in agreement
"okay blondie you go first."
time skip naruto and sasuke said their intro (to long to write)
"Now lastly you pinkie"
"My name is Sakura Haruno, i Like sweets, friends, books, my new team and peace. my dislikes are traitors, arrogant people and sour things. my hobby is reading, eating and messing with people. My dream is to become the best medical konichi and surpass Tsunade Senju.
Okay now no one was expecting that.
"she is nothing like a fangirl"
"she is just doing it to impress me"
"maybe i can help her"
Time skip kakashi explains thhey have a test and not to eat
Kakashi poofs away
skura and the rest got up to leave.
"hey sakura," Sasuke called
"hmm" she turned back
" why did you change?" okay now you all know naruto has been there the whole time listening right and so has kakashi he is just hiding.
"i change because i wanted to become stronger, to have a goal and a realistic one at that." she said
"i do believe naruto will become Hokage but as for you sasuke you need to sort out your problems. oh and do eat breakfast."She walked away
leaving all the three people watching stunned.
time skip to next morning sakura made this for them to eat👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

 time skip to next morning sakura made this for them to eat👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

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nice right and she already ate.
As Sakura arrived at the training ground she saw naruto and sasuke.
well naruto was passed out and sasuke was standing.
she went and gave sasuke a bento and woke naruto to give him his. well at first they protested them their tummy growled.
So they eat it
(spongebob voice) one hour later
"yo!" Kakashi voice rang through the entire field.
sakura who was reading a book on medical ninjutsu closed her book and stood up and naruto shouted "YOUR LATE!!!" while sasuke just glared at him.
"um lets just get on with the test." as he looked around he noticed the bentos.
" first you guys are going to try to get a bell from me who ever gets one get to be my student."
"oh and come to me with the intention to kill." kakashi explains
"that would be easy since you couldn't dodge an eraser." naruto snorted
"well it is the loud mouths that gets killed first so-" kakshi was cut short by naruto coming at him with a kunai but before naruto could reach kakashi, sakura hand darts out and caught naruto jacket pulling him to her. " Dont be so reckless you could get killed. after all he is a jonin." sakura said looking aat kakashi in the eye.
naruto just huffed
" i think i am starting to like you guys" kakashi said
" when i say start we begin." kakashi sighed
"START" he shouted

sakura dragged naruto with her to her hiding place hand over his mouth.
as she told him her plan and that she would get sasuke. Naruto agreed i mean why wont he, he does like sakura after all.
Sakura was jumping trought trees to get to sasuke as naruto distracted Kakashi. she saw sasuke and dropped behind him silently.
"Sasuke" sakura whispered in his ear. Sasuke truned around a kunai in one hand all tensed but then realized it was just sakura.
"What do you want?" he hissed
" naruto and i made a plan and we want you to join in." she said
" why would i join-" he was cut off by sakura put a kunai at his naeck eyes glowing dangerously
" you will join us right" she hissed out.
all sasuke could do was nod
" good" she smiled
she then proceeded to tell sakuea the plan.

Oc in sakura's bodyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora