We passed assholes

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thrid pov:

'Times almost up, and yet they still don't seem to have grasped the hidden meaning.' Kakashi thought as he looked over to a rustling bush. He moved swiftly to the left as a foot came down above him. Green clothing fluttered upwards due to the sudden movements of the wearer.

"It seems you took care of the clone I had sent out." Kakashi said to the crouched girl in front of him. Her brief smile vanished and was replaced by narrowed eyes. Springing into a quick run, she clashed kunai with Kakashi's, creating small sparks between the blades. Engaging in Taijutsu, Sakura and Kakashi blocked and threw punches and kicks.

'Knowing his speed, I'll have to be swift...the Water style will do.' Sakura thought as she crouched down and rammed her chakra filled palm towards Kakashi's chest upwards.

Not expecting such force, Kakashi was flung a few feet away. Sakura ran towards him and jumped in front of him, while doing some quick hand seals. Disappearing in mid-jump, Sasuke soon replaced her with his mouth filled and releasing the fire ball jutsu.

Kakashi dodged the attack at the last minute, but was soon dragged into a Taijutsu fight with five Naruto clones. Grinning happily, Naruto extended his hand and was about to grab the bells, when the alarm clock rang.

Sakura's POV

"What?! NO!" Naruto shouted as his clones disappeared. Sasuke and I had re-entered the field and were awaiting Kakashi's evaluation. I sighed at the turn of events. It had not gone as planned.

"You three, were certainly a surprise. Although there is much you have to learn, you at least got the hidden meaning behind this test." Kakashi said. I blankly stared at the guys and was returned with irritated eyes and sad apologetic ones.

"So...does this mean we fail?" Naruto asked and we all turned over to Kakashi.

"No. You all pass." Kakashi stated without hesitation. The surprise coming from the other two was normal, however mine wasn't.

'I thought he would atlest say something about our faults, but he passed us really quickly.' I thought as I looked up at him.

"Really?" Naruto and I had asked unbelievingly. Kakashi smiled and nodded. Perhaps the first smile I had ever seen in person from him.

"That's right. I'd like to show you three something before we go our separate ways." Kakashi stated and began to walk off. Naruto looked over to me, and I merely shrugged and followed after Kakashi with the others right behind me.

He lead us to the memorial stone, and told us about it. I was quiet the whole time he spoke and reprimanded Naruto when he asked for his name to be on the stone.

"Just remember, in the ninja world, those who break the rules are trash, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash." Kakashi stated and I beamed a smiled towards him. Naruto had began to sniffle and Sasuke was being Sasuke.

"You know...he's pretty cool!" Naruto spoke in between sniffles.

'You have no idea Naruto.' I thought as I nodded my agreement.

"As of now, you are all official members of Team Seven. We start our first mission tomorrow." Kakashi informed and I smiled and took a hold of both boy's arms, Sasuke's a little tighter.

"Great, now lets go eat! My treat!" I said and made sure to glare at Sasuke when he began to protest.

"Kakashi-sensei as a member of the team, you too will come." I said and had to use my glare on him when he was about to make an excuse.

"Yeah! Best day ever!" Naruto exclaimed in joy as he tugged on my arm towards his favorite place.

'Yes, today was definitely a good day.' I thought as I allowed Naruto to lead the way. I made sure to pull Sasuke along with us and keep an eye on Kakashi.

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