We get the C ranked mission

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Sakura pov:
"Naruto, I'm at point A!" Naruto whispered loudly. This was our last mission before the Land of Waves escort mission. Of course, just like the anime/manga it was Tora the cat's rescue—imprisonment—mission.

"Sasuke, I'm at point B." Sasuke spoke out in a much quieter voice.

"Sakura point C." I said and looked around the small forest he had entered.

"Go slow Naruto...Hm? The Target has moved, follow it!" Kakashi ordered through the communication device. I winced at the loudness of the static and moved accordingly to Tora's chakra signature.

The cat was actually quite fast, though I suppose it would need to be in order to escape so often. I'm also quite puzzled by the fact that the other two had yet to pick up on his chakra signature. I could find it all the way across town, and that's without Inner's amazing sensory talent. Sasuke was also good at tracking Tora from all the Cat finding games he did with Itachi. Naruto, however, lacked the patience.

"It's over there!" Naruto stated behind a tree. Sasuke and I moved in closer and hid behind the trees.

"What's your distance to the target?" Kakashi asked and I looked over to the "target" that was Tora.

"Five meters. I'm ready just give the signal." Naruto said as he kept a close sight on the cat. Sasuke grunted in agreement and I hummed while concentrating on his chakra. Deciding to make things go faster and simpler, I spread my chakra over to Tora and held him in place.

"Alright...Now!" Kakashi commanded and Naruto and Sasuke sprang towards the cat.

"Can you verify a ribbon on the right ear?" Kakashi asked. I simply walked over not even having to look at him. Naruto who had been wary of Tora from their very first encounter handed the immobile cat to me.

"Affirmative. We have a positive ID." Responded Sasuke as he looked over to the cat in my arms. Petting it to calm the cat down, I waited until it purred before I retracted my chakra from him.

"Mission accomplished. Bring him over and we'll head to the tower." Kakashi stated. I smiled and rubbed his soft head.

"We'll arrive shortly." I said before taking off the earpiece.

"Can't we get a better mission than this?! I HATE CATS!" Naruto shouted effectively causing the other's ears to suffer from the excessively loud noise.

"Naruto...please speak softly..." Kakashi asked from the radio.

"Dobe." Sasuke muttered and sent Naruto a glare. Sighing I made my way towards the area Kakashi was waiting in.

"Let's go." I suggested to the bickering boys.

Kakashi opened the door and allowed us all to enter first.

"OH Tora! Come here!" Shijimi said with a glistening of her eyes. I made sure it couldn't run away again with a bit of chakra but released it when Shijimi took him. Her hugs were like death grips, you couldn't get out. I shivered at the thought of being in Tora's place.

"Ha! The stupid cat deserved it!" Naruto loudly whispered, being heard by everyone except Shijimi.

"Now then, for squad Seven's next mission we have several available tasks." Hiruzen began which I quickly zoned him out. I knew where this was going, no need to pay so much attention. Looking out through one of the six long rectangular windows, I noticed the nice weather.

"NO! No, no, no! Jiji, I want to go on a real mission!" Naruto exclaimed loudly. I sighed and placed my hands inside my wide sleeves. Sasuke somewhat looked relieved by the situation, most likely also wanting to experience a "real mission". Kakashi, however, had the most comical expression...from what I could go by with his one eye. I didn't need to read his mind to know that he was dreading the lecture he would get from Hiruzen.

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