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Nooo- inner sakura
Nooo- Lea/Sakura

Sakura pov:

We reached land and got of the little boat. As we were walking along the path Naruto suddenly threw a kunai at a shrub, scaring me slightly. "There!" he said enthusiastically
he parted the shrub and a sweatdrop formed on my head as the bridge builder yelled at Naruto fro being so careless. I just sighed in bored and crouched to the ground pulling the bridge builder with me at the same time kakashi shouted "GET DOWN!" I heard a thunk and spun around still crouched to see a massive blade in a tree and Zabuza land on it facing the wrong way. I stood up with the rest and put my hands in my pockets secretly searching for my scrolls that had sebons sealed in them.
"Zabuza the demon of the hidden mist." said kakashi carelessly as he moved in front of us.
"Kakashi of the Sharingan." the swordsman said in a taunting voice.
" Formation Now!" kakashi said and we quickly went into position as Zabuza did his hidden mist jutsu.
" Now where should i hit? The heart, kindey-"
"For a silent killer you talk to much." i said having already open my scroll and tossed it in front of Mr. Tazuna and a bunch of sebon flew out poisonous, non-poisonous and genjutsu types went directly at Zabuza cause he was already coming for the bridge builder. I hear intakes of  breaths around me and a shake breath from Sasuke.
I knew he dodged some of the sebons but the majority struck him because i heard a painful grunt and the mist cleared. Kakashi being  the one to clear the mist went behind Zabuza and put a kunai to his neck "It's over." Zabuza started laughing and dissolved into water. I felt a presence coming very close to me so i whipped out two kunais just in time to intercept zabuza's blade.
"Sakura-chan!" shouted naruto. The power from zabuza's blade push me back, giving kakachi enough time to fight zabuza.
I came back to the formation, seeing naurto, sasuke and Tazuna look at me like i was insane but i just rolled my eyes. This is a serious fight, one of many that could affect the future. Choose wisely Lea.
In pursed my lips as i saw kakashi get trapped in the water bubble thing. "RUN YOU CAN NOT HANDLE HIM, HE IS MORE POWERFUL.!" my hands curled into fists at the thought of abandoning a fellow comrade.


As Kakashi collapsed on the ground with a thud, i walk towards him with a glowing green hand. "Worn out. His worn out, pulled a hamstring." I put him on my back and looked at Tazuna "Lead the way."

I put kakashi on the bed gently, and knelt beside him having removed his green vest, i unbuttoned  his shirt and put my glowing green hands on his abdomen.

I am so sorry to keep you guys waiting, i was too busy reading other books so here you go as an apology.
I do not thin there will be any paring in this book but i don't know maybe you want one and i could do a oneshot of it.
Hope you have a wonderful day.
Bye Lovelies😎

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