Keysha -7

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She can be late fucking around with that nigga if she wants to, I thought to myself as I drove on to work. I was now growing very tired of Brandon and his bullshit. I was growing even more tired of Bri sticking up for this nigga like he some type of God or something. My mind boggled as I drove down the freeway. I could barely hear what Rob was saying but I did hear him saying something about Brandon and a baby. He talked fast and his words were so slurred as if he was still drunk from the night before. I pulled out my phone and called him back. No answer. I tried again, this time it went straight to voicemail. I then dialed Bri's number to see if she ever left to bring her ass to work. No answer. Before I could sit my phone in the cup holder a text came through. It was Bri.
-Keysha you are my best friend and I love you. You've been down since day one. Never once have I had to question your loyalty. Brandon is my husband and I love him as well. I really hate that you two cannot get along. I kno you mean well and he does too. We just think it's best if we just work on us without any outside influences.
WTF! I dialed her number again. Again no answer!
*[Keysha] - So this nigga don't want you to be friends with me, and you okay with that ?!
*[Bri] - Just until we get things back on track, so much is going on right now. I'm sorry.
*[Keysha] - Bitch really ?! You really gone fall for that shit ! He really got you that hooked to make you make stupid ass decisions like this?! I was dea when that nigga wasn't ! I was dea when this nigga walked out on you ! You was crying on my shoulders, not that motherfuka ! And you want to put our friendship on hold or at risk because he say it's best for you! That's his way of controlling you open yo fucking eyes baby girl ! He's getting rid of people that's gone tell you better when he come with these tired ass excuses and lies that he tell you! Fuck him, but for you to be okay and go along with it really speaks volumes. That's cool, I'll step off! Have a good life with your "husband". 😎💯💍😂😂
*[Bri] - I'm sorry.
She didn't deserve a reply. This has got to be the weakest shit Brandon could've done and the dumbest on her end. The hurting part was that she was actually okay with this. How could she possibly feel about her self letting him choose her friends. I knew this day would come, just came sooner than I thought.
I pulled into the parking lot of the school as I dried my eyes that watered at the thought of the Bri's decision. How could she choose him over me ? I was always there for her. A real friend wouldn't do that. Fuck it tho I would just have to respect their wishes and leave it the fuck alone. Form this day forward I promise to keep my comments to myself no matter what's going on. Never thought that keeping it real would result in me losing my best friend.
I walked into my classroom with the thought of Bri heavily on my mind. Our classes were right across the hall from each other, like how awkward would it be for us to see each other and we not speak? How could she be so stupid for this nigga?

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