Sal X Reader

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You have been friends with Joe, Murr, Q, and Sal for as long as you can remember. You loved them all ,but you loved Sal more than a friend way. You guys actually dated for a while until you moved away and you guys decided to take a break. But then you moved back and all the feelings came rushing back for Sal. However now Sal has a new girlfriend her name was Wendy. Sal thought she was perfect so did the guys heck even you thought she was perfect. You wish their was a way to get Sal back but the thing is they are getting married tomorrow.

So today you are at Joe's talking with him, Q and Murr while Sal was with Wendy.

"So tomorrow is the day Sal becomes a man." Murr says.

"Well he is becoming something?" Q says.

"What?" You ask.

"Taken." Joe says looking at you.

"Look guys you know there is nothing I can do about how I feel he is getting married tomorrow. And she is perfect in every way I am not ruining her life for mine. Besides Sal loves her obviously I mean he is marrying her." You say.

"How do you know he loves her he could just love the idea not the girl." Murr suggests.

"Guys you know I would give anything to be with him but not someone else's happiness."

"Okay fine but what about your happiness. You love him y/n. He could still love you. I mean you guys were perfect together. I have never seen either of you happier then when you were together. Then you moved and he met Wendy she is great for him but you are meant for him." Q says.

"Guys for the last time it isn't happening and you guys better not say anything. They will get married ,buy a house, have three kids Charlie, Grace and Nick, rescue a dog named hop and live happily ever after. All awhile I find someone for me and I live happily ever after. See it all works our for Sal, me and hop."

"Well what if you tell Sal how you feel he then confesses his feelings for you, you guys run off and get hitched, later have two kids Ellen and Adam, and you buy a fish named seashell. See everything can work out the way it actually is and you, Sal and seashell can live happily ever after." Joe says smiling.

"Fine you want me to tell Sal how I feel I will." You say picking up your phone and dialing Sal's number.

"What are you doing?" Murr asks.

"Calling Sal." You say in a hushed voice.

"No! You can't do it over the phone." Q says.

You put your hand up to shush them and realize you got his voice mail.

"Hey this Sal I'm sorry I couldn't answer the phone ,but leave a message and I will get back to you."

"Hey Sal it's y/n I was just calling to tell you how I feel about you. And I think I love you so yeah that's it call me back." You say hanging up the phone afterwards.

"What did you just do! You can't tell him you love him over a voicemail!" Joe yells.

"Oh my! What did I just do! Why did you guys let me do that! This all your guy's fault! You told me to tell him! I can't see him ever again! I can't believe this!" You yell panicking.

"Hey! Just calm down he might not even listen to it!" Q says.

You take a few deep breaths nodding, "Your right. He might not even see it. Or who knows maybe he does love me back so it won't be that bad." You say reassuring yourself.

"See this could help you get your happily ever after. It will be fine." Murr says.

"Okay okay. Thanks guys ,but I am still worried about ruining his day tomorrow so I'm going to head home and get some rest." You say. They all hug you and say their good night's and you head home to your apartment.

You were sitting on your couch watching tv in your pajamas when you hear a knock at the door. You get up confused on who could be at the door at this time of night. You look through the peep hole and see Sal. You assume he is here because of the voice mail you left him and open the door.

"Hey Sal. What's wrong?"

"Hey y/n I am so glad you are here. I need to talk to you." He says stepping inside.

"Okay what's going on?" You ask.

"Me and Wendy broke up."

"What why?"

"Well we didn't think we were right for each other anymore. We both didn't feel like we were ready to marry one another."

"But Sal you loved her."

"No I never loved her y/n. I loved the idea of loving someone. I never loved her."

"Sal are you okay?"

"No not really. I just couldn't marry someone I didn't see myself with in a couple years. I didn't see myself having children with her or sitting on the porch in rocking chairs with her when we're older. I didn't see sharing a life with her. She was great ,but not who I was meant to be with. I need to marry someone who will have water balloon fights with me, who watches old movies with me and can quote them line by line, who makes me laugh when I am having a rough day, who would play video games with me and be competitive, who would love me for who I am. I need to marry someone who wants to marry me back. I don't want to look back on my life in 30 years and see the life I missed out on with the person I love." Sal was now on the verge of tears.

"Who is that person Sal?"

"You. It's you y/n. You are that person who I spend the rest of my life with. You are the person I raise children with, who takes long walks with me until the sun goes down, who would play pranks on people with me, who never let me win a game ever because you are so competitive, who buries me neck deep in sand at the beach, who goes on adventures with me all over the world, who would grow old with me and sit on the porch with me sitting in rocking chairs complaining about our loud neighbors. You are the person who loves me for me and who would never leave me. You are the person who could make me laugh and smile no matter the kind of day I had. You are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are the person that when I look back on my life I am glad I spent it with you. You are my soul mate y/n and I love you."

"I have never stopped loving you Sal." You say smiling but yet tears run down your face. Sal gets down on one knee.

"Y/n will you make me the happiest man alive and spend the rest of your life with me?" He asks also crying but yet smiling.

"Yes. Of course I will marry you, you big softy!" You both laugh and he stands up and wraps his soft hands gently around your face he smiles looking in your eyes and kisses you. You never wanted that kiss to end. The perfect kiss with the perfect guy. But it ended.

"I love you so much y/n" He said with a smile.

"I love you too. But quick question did you ever get a voice mail from me?"

"Yeah, but I didn't have time to listen to it why? What did it say?"

"Nothing that you haven't heard. Just I love you." You say smiling and he smiles back and hugs you. Who said you couldn't live happily ever after.

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