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I have been thinking about Alice in Wonderland. Taking in all the meanings, but there so many of them. I admire Lewis Carroll and all of the others after that, that have taken in this masterpiece of a plot. I hope to follow in their footsteps one day and publish my own work. I have reread the books now and cannot begin to describe the thread into words, but I will attempt so.  'Imagination' I s the word I will use to describe the meticulous book. Most people spend meager amounts of time thinking of the brilliance of Wonderland. If I every once in my life come across  Wonderland I will jump without hesitation. To describe Wonderland? 'An Escape." It is. An escape from reality. From life. I could go mad... Just let go of everything. I wouldn't ever second guess my decision. Maybe, years later drinking tea with the Hatter I will try to remember my days here, but no memory will be forthcoming. Maybe I would forget all the cruel and hateful things said to me that has led me to nights where  I cry myself to sleep. Maybe I will forget all the Failing grades. Maybe I will forget all those lonely days without friends. Maybe I will forget not being good enough. 

But I know I wont be able to Forget. Because Wonderland doesn't exist. Nor does an escape, except death maybe. Reality will always be here and there pushing me down. And I will always be there ready to get back up.  So I will stop crying, suck it up, and mask my face from all emotion. Because I am strong, and I will move on. But, just know this reality,  I have one weapon that you will never take away from me. My Imagination. As long as I have that I will always get back up, no matter what you put in my path. I will always be on the look out for that an escape even though I already know its not there. I will not give up. 

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