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Each song has a story. Just like a book or movie it has a reason to exists. Music opens parts of your brain that can't be opened by math or drugs. It has brought people out of complete depression. 

The person behind the song has a reason for it. And each time they play it, it brings up fresh memories. Rather the they be left forgot or cherished, they are there. 

I don't know about other people but when I hear a certain song something stirs. Its like all of a sudden a gust of wind blows through a empty abandon house inside me, stirring up the dead leaves, making them dance.  And when I am alone, I do.  There are so many questions to ask in this universe. Too many. Music is a escape and a entrance. Which ever you need it to be. I don't know how something so simple can make such a impact on the human race but it has. If the end of the world comes. I know what I want. No need. I will always need my music. And maybe a book. 

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