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I don't really know what to say.... Well here it goes.

This one goes out to the freaks, The outcast, the nerds and geeks. This is for the bullied, the ones that never got that one girl or guy. This is for the people who think they could do better, but don't have the courage. This is a message for the ones who are scared to stand up for what they believe in or who they are. The ones that know who they are but cant accept it.

It will never get better if stand like this and do nothing. We, Us, You and Me, we can change the world. But we must first change ourselves. By change I don't mean try to fix ourselves for the benefit of others. I mean accept that you are who you are and if they don't like it screw them because you are not perfect, but neither are they. The image these days is skinny and sexy and pretty,and smart and cool and money and cars. That is not enough. We have to show this world they can not put labels on us and just expect us to take it. We are not dolls they can bully. Who cares what they think? I don't. Neither should you. They know nothing about you except your flaws. So you know what? Show them your flaws. Flash them flaws in their face so they know they cannot bring you down. And while you show them that show them your gifts. We all have one. Come on. I am SICK AND TIRED of being called "Emo, Geek, Fag" Lets stand together in our army of freaks. Yeah we may be freaks but we are proud of it. 


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