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Lie not Lies,

Only one lie repeated.

Day after Day.

Year after Year.

Three words that could mean so much,

but mean nothing to me.

To family and friends,

as if I could Love.

"I Love You." 

Is the lie I spew everyday, everytime.

I make it sound believable. 

I make it sound reliable. 

But the day I can leave,

The day you no longer own me,

is the day I will no longer lie.

I will not give you a kiss and a lie as I go to school or before bed.

But will stare emotionless as finally,

after eternity,

truth is said.

Silence after you words. 

Because I will no longer lie to you,

Or them,

Or myself. 

"I Love You." 

The greatest lie I have spoken.


Never to be spoken again. 

I really want to know your thoughts on this poem. All are welcome and please if you read comment because I really am wondering about this one.

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