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Books.. they fill my three self wide bookshelf and yet I have four 2 foot stacks of them behind my bookshelf. 

Imagine a world where religion wasn't allowed, no books, no belief, no science.  Those  who read know how many lives we have lived and how many times we have died just by reading words on a page we are transported. Our minds wrap around a universe entry our own and yet not ours to take. Because simply they are not real and never will be. We all know that in the back of our minds. Yet we laugh, cry, smile, scream, jump, live as if  it was our lives. I have thrown so many books across my room with red hot tears streaming down my face then go and apologize to it and continue reading. 

I have screamed, loved, abhorred, lusted, and lived with the characters I will never meet.  Ever. Just another escape. Another Anchor.

I recommend reading It's a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini. GOOOOOD book. I hated it ended, then I hate most things.

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