Episode 4: Welcome to Camp Nightmare

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'Welcome to Camp Nightmare' is the 4th episode of Goosebumps tv series, & the 2nd episode consisting of 2 Parts.

The main character of this episode is a boy named Billy Harlan who goes to Summer Camp Nightmoon. Yes! Night-MOON! :) ... - so why the title says 'Camp Night-MARE'? :) - Because strange things happen there! ;)

In a moment you will see the Camp Kids' reaction when the bus stopped & the driver started to unpack their luggage. They were surprised & saying 'Where are we?' or 'What are you doing? - This isn't Camp! - It's the Middle of Nowhere!' XD ( Poor kids! - I guess that their camp didn't start as they imagined!  ^_~ )

The bus driver just drove away & left a group of kids alone! ( I guess their parents wouldn't be happy if they knew about that! ;) ). And some kind of a monster was hiding in the bushes & scared them! - Good for them that the Camp Director appeared fast enough to scare the monster away!  ^_~  ( Thanks for saving them from Sabre, uncle Al ! :) ).

But then he told them 'Let's go - We have a mile walking'. ( Kids walking a Mile with all of their luggage? - Maybe he wanted to make them too tired to misbehave, or something? Who knows ).

( Why couldn't that bus go any further? - That's a good question! ).

'Be careful - We don't want anyone spraining an ankle on the First Day!'       ( How Sweet! XD ).

Let's watch together what happened next! :) 

( 'Wake Up At 6' ? O_O ... - Is it a Summer camp or Military?! XD )

( 'Write home to your parents Every Day'? O_O - Doesn't he Exaggerate? :D ... - Right! They had No Mobiles to call them yet when this episode was made! XD )

( 'You guys follow my rules & You're Gonna Have The Best Time in Your Life'? :) - I guess that sounded good to them  ^_~ ).

( I guess this sentence would fit @IloveSTINE 's Book of Stupid Questions! : 'Forbidden Bunk? - Why is it called the Forbideen Bunk?' - 'Because it's Forbidden'! XD ).

( ... A Kid Bitten By A Snake? O_O ... - Seems that This Camp Isn't Safe! :/ ).

( No Nurse at the camp? ... - Not Good! ) 

( OMG!  >_<  They sing Worse Than Amy's Father during that Campfire! - I Mean It! XD ).

( ... Ok, Enough of my 'Dummy Comments' about Part 1 !  ^_~  )

If any of you went to Such a Camp now - you would probably use your mobile & call your parents the next day saying 'Mom! Dad! - This camp is strange! It's not safe here! - Please take me home!... No I'm not Homesick - The other boys get missing one by one, & There are Snakes & Some Monster Here!' - Right? :) 

This time I only found 2 parts separately, in 2 videos, so here you can watch Part 2 of this episode & see how it ended. Let's watch Part 2 of 'Welcome to Camp Nightmare' now: 

My reflexion at the end: What did they tell those kids to write the letters home everyday for - if they were Not Sending Them? :D  ( What a waste of paper! XD ).

One more reflexion you'll most probably agree with: Larry doesn't look very smart! :D ( & he isn't a good bunk counselor at All ! ;) ).

.( because it Wasn't a Summer Camp as it seemed at the beginning! ^_~ ).

Congratulations for Passing Your Test, Billy!  ^_^ 

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