Episode 10: Stay Out Of The Basement

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'Stay out of the Basement' is the third 2-Part Goosebumps episode.

The main characters are two children named Margaret & Casey Brewer who are worried because their father spends a lot of time in basement & they don't know what he is doing there. In addition he tells them to stay out of it... - You think they will listen to him?  ^_~

They only know that he studies plants... but sitting all day in basement is a bit weird, don't you think? 

He must be really into it if 'he never hears stuff when he's working' as his son says...

( This time I managed to find both parts in one video for you - so Let's Watch it Together to see what happens here )

Would you go to Your Basement & check it if you heard some strange sounds going from it? ;) ...- Or rather Stay Out Of It?   ^_~

*The best Quote from this episode*:

'You're not a Mad Scientist, are you, dad? - 'No, I'm an Angry Scientist!' 😃

( I was laughing when they said it! XD ) 

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