Episode 9: My Hairiest Adventure

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If you like movies about people turning into Dogs - you should Watch this Episode!  ^_~ 

The main character here is a boy named Larry Boyd. And there is also an object causing 'strange side effects' in this episode: an old bottle of Instant Tan that Larry & his friends tried & they first vanished & Larry started to get as hairy as a dog! ( Do not use things after their expiry date, Kids!  ^_~ ).

I wonder why dogs didn't like this boy so much at the beginning. In a moment you will see some dogs chasing him & Larry running away from them thinking 'This isn't happening for the first time cause Everytime they see me they start chasing me like I'm a bucket full of liver!'. 

( When I saw this scene I thought about the song 'Who Let The Dogs Out'! ).

Right, 'dogs can't climb trees' - but the branch you sit on can break - & then they will reach you! ;) ... Oh! :) He wasn't saved by the bell - He was saved by a Girl! :D - His Best friend is called Lily! :) - Just like Mine!  ^_~   What a nice coincidence! :) 

Let's watch this episode together to see what happens next: 

( You can click the full screen mode in the video if you want!  ^_~ ) 

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