Episode 12: Say Cheese and Die!

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( I think R.L. Stine was a kind of a Clairvoyant! ... - Have you heard about all those people who weren't careful enough & died trying to take a Selfie in dangerous places nowadays? ;) - I have. )

The main characters here are 4 Friends: Greg Banks, Doug 'Bird', Michael & Shari Walker - & there is no monster but a 'strange object' again. What object? - A weird looking camera that takes pictures 'predicting the accidents' that happen later to the people who are in those pics. Scary, isn't it? ( Some tribes living away from civilisation are afraid of cameras - cause they believe that A Camera Can Steal Your Soul ! ;) ... - Maybe they are right this time? :) - In case of This Camera?  ^_~ ... - Who knows? :) - The camera in this episodes brings bad luck for sure! ).

Will the kids find a way to stop the evil camera? ... - Let's watch this episode together to find this out: 

( Best quote from this episode: 

'Reality check - It's a Camera, not a weapon!' )

... Are you sure?  ^_~

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