Chapter 5

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Hi people just so you know this chapter is a Pre Fourth of July special, so forgive me if I've got anything wrong because I'm not American. BYE!


KNOCK KNOCK (that was meant to be the door)

Tom and I had just finished breakfast(which took us about an hour because of me)

"You stay put, I'll get it for you," Tom says, while wiping his face with a napkin and standing up to get the door. He doesn't possibly think that that I'm going to sit here with salad in my stomach , feeling fat as hell , does he? I get and run to the en suite bathroom and vomited . It came kind of naturally, unlike the first few times I did it. After I started to get ready. As I was getting ready , I just realised I forgot to tell Tom that the whole squad was here for 4th July preparations. THATS was why the doorbell was ringing.(I totally did not forget.)


I open Taylor's door and her WHOLE SQUAD was standing on the doorstep. "What the actual hell?" I said, as I was greeted by lots of smiling girls, all dressed up. And then there was me in my shirt and trousers from yesterday. "Hi Tom, what are you doing here at this time?"Selena asked. "I'd actually like to ask you the same thing," I reply. "Fourth of July preparations!" Martha giggled. "What the hell is - oh, isn't it the day where Americans go around around boast that they're better than everyone else?" I ask. "That is SO not-" Karlie says as Taylor approaches the door behind me. "Hey guys! Lets get this party organised!!" As she lets the mass of girls in, I walk over to her. " Wait. You didn't tell me that your house was gonna be full of giggling girls today," I say slightly frustrated . " Sorry. I thought you knew, it being July 4th and all," She replies. Once the huddle of women were inside, I followed Taylor inside. Even though Ive been invited, I never really went to Fourth of July parties as I'm not American. I think she sees me looking slightly disappointed. " Come on Tom, it'll be fun!" She says taking my hand and pulling me back inside.


"Taylor, explain to your boyfriend how these parties work," Jaime says as she unpacks a bunch of banners. I feel myself go bright red. Tom grins at me cheekily. "He can help you prepare some of the food for the barbecue, as you can bond through the love of food," says Gigi. Everyone laughs. I feel myself go a deeper red. Right now I feel like a tomato. "Come on Tom," I say , pulling him into the kitchen. He shrugs at the rest of the squad, then follows me. "What shall we make?" He asks . "Well I was gonna make some veggie burgers. But we haven't got enough ingredients, so shall we go shopping?" I say.


"I'd be honoured m'lady," I say taking her hand. We grab some shopping bags and get in the car. She recently just bought this Ferrari 458 (look it up if you don't know what it looks like) and it's sick! I slip in the passenger seat and we head to the store. Luckily the Paps aren't there to harass us as we shop. She sends me off to get some salad as Karlie texted her to get some. I find some tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce and olives. As I'm walking back over to Taylor who is by the bakery section I spot this stand that has Fourth of July inspired cheesecakes. I pick one up and put it in the trolley. When Taylor sees it she bursts out laughing. "I thought you might like it,"  I chuckle. We pay for the stuff then go back home.


It was about 2:00pm by the time Tom and I got back. I found a recipe in a cookbook that my mother gave me to make veggie burgers. We used chickpeas and sweetcorn. I was expecting to use spoons to mash together the ingredients, but Tom rolled up his sleeves and got stuck in. By the time we had finished we had smeared burger mix on each other's faces and were following around on the floor laughing."Are you guys nearly done , because we were gonna have a third of July movie night special." Says Martha. As Tom and a turn around to look at her she gasps. "What have you been doing?" She asks. "Well, we had some spare mixture so we were giving each other face masks," Tom explains and I start laughing. "Ok lovebirds, the movie will be on if you wanna watch it," Martha says walking off. I blush and Tom leans in and kisses me. Every time he does it, it feels like the first time. He touches me on my arm as we kiss and it sends shivers down my spine. As we pull away, I feel this weird energy go through me. And it makes me giggle. Tom gives me a confused look, then starts laughing himself . I find myself crying because it's so funny.


Hope u liked this chapter because I don't know anyways


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