Chapter 1

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Aurora's POV

I sat in the woods near the lightpost. It was a special place to me. The last place I saw my father. I felt it was the only where my mother, The White Witch, could not find me. My safe haven. I sighed. I always felt alone. I only had a few friends, Mr. Tumnus and the beavers. There was a noise behind me. I hid behind a tree. That witch shouldn't have found me here. I held my breath. Don't be a wolf. Don't be a wolf! I just had to leave my weapons at the beaver's place. I looked from behind the tree and saw something that surprised me. It was a girl. I walked out from behind the tree as she look at the woods in wonder. I then stepped on a twig and she turned to me in surprise. "Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Lucy."

"Are you a human, Lucy?"

"Yes. Aren't you?" I shook my head.

"Not exactly. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I came in through the wardrobe in the spare room, and-"

"Spare room?" She nodded. "So you've never been here before?" She shook her head. "Would you like me to show you around?" She nodded again. "By the way, I'm Aurora." I said as I grabbed here hand.

***Time Skip***

We walked till we got to the lamp post. We heard the sound of foot steps. "Wait here." I said. I continued walking till I saw Mr. Tumnus, with some boxes.

"Oh, Aurora. What are you doing here?"

"I met someone!" I said, excitedly. He looked shocked.


"Come on!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him over where Lucy was. "Lucy, this is my friend."

"Hello." Lucy said. "If you don't mind my asking...what are you?"

"Why, I'm a faun! And you must be some beardless dwarf?"

"I'm not a dwarf, I'm a girl! And actually I'm tallest in my class."

"But you're saying, you're a daughter of Eve?"

"Well, my mum's name is Helen..."

"Yes, but you are, in fact, human."

"Of course."

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I came in through the wardrobe in the spare room, and-"

"Spare Oom, is that in Narnia?"

"Narnia? What's that?"

"Well Lucy, you're in it! Everything from the lamp post, all the way to castle Cair Paravel on the Eastern Sea, every stick and stone, every icicle, is Narnia." I said.

"This is an awfully big wardrobe."

"I'm sorry, please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Tumnus."

"Glad to meet you, Mr. Tumnus!" She extends her hand. "I'm Lucy Pevensie. Oh, you shake it!"


"I-I don't know! People do it when they meet each other."

"Lucy Pevensie, from the shining city of War Drobe in the far land of Spare Oom, how would it be if you and Aurora came and had tea with me?"

"Oh! Well, thank you very much! But I probably should be getting back..."

"Oh, come on! It's not every day I get to make a new friend! And there's a... roaring fire! And toast and cakes! And maybe... we'll even break into the sardines."

"Well, maybe for just a little while... if you have... sardines."

"By the bucket load." He said, dragging us to his house.

***Time Skip***

We walked out of the forest and saw Mr. Tumnus' house. "Come Along." We walked inside his house and I took a seat.

"Can I help you with that?" Lucy asks.

"Why thank you!" I get up and look at a picture with Lucy. "Oh... That is my father."

"He had a nice face. You look just like him."

"No, were not alike at all really."

"My father is fighting in the war."

"My father went away to war too... but that was a very long time ago... before this dreadful winter."

"Winter isn't all bad. There's ice skating and snow ball fights. Oh! And Christmas!"

"We haven't had Christmas in a hundred years here." I said.

"No presents for a hundred years?"

"But, oh, you would have loved Narnia in spring! The Dryads and the Fauns would dance all night... but we never got tired. And oh, the music! Such music. Would you... like to hear some now?"

"Yes please."

"Now, are you familiar with the Narnia lullabies?"

"No, I'm afraid I'm not."

"Good, because this probably won't sound anything like one." He started to play his flute. It was a soft tune, and I could feel myself getting tired. After awhile, my and Lucy went right to sleep.

***Time Skip***

Me and Lucy woke up in a very dark house. "Oh I must go." Lucy said.

"It's too late for that now I'm such a bad faun."

"No. You're the nicest faun I've ever met."

"Then I'm afraid you've had a very poor sampling."

"I'm sure you're very sorry, and you'll never do it again."

"It's not something I have done, Lucy Pevensie. It's something I'm doing."

"What are you doing?" I ask, now holding Lucy closer to me.

"I'm kidnapping you. It's the White Witch, the one that makes it always winter, and never Christmas. She told me that I if I ever was to come across a son of Adam, a daughter of Eve, or the princess of Narnia, I am supposed to turn them over to her!" My eyes widen.

"But I thought you were my friend."

***Time Skip***

We ran through the woods. We had to get Lucy out of here. "We must move quietly the woods are full of her spies, even some of the trees are on her side. Do you remember the way?"

"I think so." Mr. Tumnus tries to return Lucy's handkerchief, but she gives it back. "Keep it, you need it more than I do." Mr. Tumnus smile and nods. I walk up to Lucy.

"Here, take this." I give her a jeweled necklace. "Whisper my name in it when ever you come to Narnia." She gives me a nod.

"Go... Come on, go!" We all run our separate ways. I ran back to the beaver's house, knowing I would be safe there.

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