Temporary Halt in Writing

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Hello everyone, tis I, the meme dream queen. I'm making this to notify anyone following this story that there will be a TEMPORARY halt in writing, as I have entered another extremely dangerous depressive episode once again, similar to the major one I experienced in the last (if anyone recalls the notification chapter I put into the Depressed Hetalia story). This is a very temporary pause, and I'll be back soon once I find the motivation to not die. I love all of you, and thank you for understanding. I'll be checking my Wattpad inbox messages daily, because I still want to try and communicate with everyone, but besides that, all stories are on a temporary halt. I'm very, very sorry, and thank you everyone for being so accommodating. Stay beautiful, readers; and if anyone wants to talk, I'm here.
Drink your vegetables and stay in school kids! Thanks for listening.

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