Beautiful Love

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Alfred let himself float in the water as Allen bit lightly along his collarbone; he felt over the moon. Also, really sore in the ass. He whimpered softly when Allen gave it a little squeeze. Allen just smirked down at him.
Christ, that's what I've been looking for all my life. Allen thought as he cocked an eyebrow at a ragdolled Alfred. Meaningful sex with someone who won't leave me after they get their pay in cash. He let a gentle smile cross his lips as he hauled Alfred up and kissed him deeply. "I really like you, blond."
"You're so rough," Alfred snickered, wrapping his arms around Allen's neck.
"Yeah, I can feel the consequences of my actions bleeding down my back already." Allen grunted, shifting as the water hit the deep scratches Alfred had left in his back. He leaned in and kissed Alfred again. "How the hell am I supposed to tell Matt about you?" He wondered aloud.
"How am I gonna bring you up to my guards...they thought you were a felon..." Alfred reciprocated his thoughts.
"Burn that bridge when we get to it?" Allen wrapped Alfred's legs around his waist.
"Agreed." Alfred moaned softly in his ear as Allen rubbed his tip under the water. "Wait...burn it?" Alfred pulled away quickly.
"It's something I like to do that my brother hates," Allen chuckled. "Take two common sayings and combine them to make it sound weird and concerning. can lead a horse to water, but you can't teach him new tricks."
Alfred snorted. "Good things come to those who kill two birds with one stone?" He tried.
Allen burst out laughing. "Yeah, sure. Words to live by, right there." Allen slid down deeper in the water to pull Alfred close to his body again. "I never want this to end."
"Makes two of us. But hey, you can't make an omelette without beating a dead horse." Alfred said boldly.
Allen had to pull away to stifle his roaring laughter.
Allen pulled into the driveway of Alfred's White House replica on his Harley.
"Okay, please try and be nice to them, even if they want you dead," Alfred stepped off the motorcycle, still wobbly from their night at the beach.
"Yeah yeah , I'll be polite and shit." Allen grunted, marching up to the front door. Alfred followed, worried.
They entered the house and Alfred pressed his panic button. Within minutes, the guards were assembled in the living room area. Alfred approached the group cautiously, and two-finger whistled to get their attention.
"I didn't know you could whistle like that." Allen held him from behind. "What else can those fingers do?"
"Open so many pudding cups, baby..." Alfred got lost in Allen's gaze, and relaxed. Somehow the disinterest and perpetual not-caring in Allen was helping Alfred feel the same way. He looked back at his guards. "I'm just gonna come right out with it." Alfred said, his voice shaking. He drew in a deep breath. "This guy is named Allen, and we were together last night, and a few other nights, and...he helped me figure out that I might be bisexual? Or...pansexual, or whichever one makes you really attracted to bad boys with gentle sides."
"I'm not gentle," Allen protested.
The guards all stared at the two of them momentarily, then began to laugh. It rose from one or two until the entire fleet was roaring with hearty laughter. Alfred held up his hands to silence them, and gave them a confused glare.
"Well, sir, you see...we all knew before you did," one piped up, wiping the tears from his eyes as he chuckled quietly. "We're surprised it took you this long to figure out you'd be comfortable with men."
"WHAT?!" Alfred blurted out. " knew and Al?"
"Of course we did!" An officer snickered, tucking the hair behind her ears and out of her face.
"Then...then what was up with the big board? About him being a criminal? About kidnapping me and blackmailing me? You guys had a big conspiracy board like you were trying to catch the damn mothman or something."
"I can explain that. We did it to freak you out, honestly." A guard put his hand up in the air and nodded. "We've had it for ages. We had bets on when you'd find it."
Alfred stared at them, his hand inside Allen's, and they stared back, blankly. Suddenly, Alfred started laughing too.
"Dammit guys, you really had me!" He grinned, stepping down from his pedestal with Allen as the guards embraced them happily.
Allen stepped into his apartment nervously, holding Alfred's hand. The sun was setting, leaving only bits and pieces of light to creep through the grimy and cracked kitchen windows. "H-hey...Matt?"
Matt turned from the couch and immediately frowned at the two of them. "What the hell is this? Whys he here, when he can be back on his fuckin water bed in his fuckin mansion?"
"He's here because I love him." Allen said with confidence, even if it was their first time using the L word. Alfred couldn't help but smile. "We robbed him, but I kept going back. I had to see him, see if he was really the kind of person we hate."
"And he is." Matt growled.
"He isn't." Allen glared. "He's so much more. He left me that suit so I could step into his shoes, and I learned how he lives. I learned there's two paths to take in that life: you become who we hate, or you become who I love." Allen held Alfred close. "He's given me so much, and taught me there's more to life than cheap whiskey and a wallet full of singles. He makes me want to be a better person, even if it means belting out all this sappy shit." Allen smiled. "He makes me happy, Matt, whether you like it or not."
"Then why'd you hit him that one time? At the hotel?" Matt slid off the couch. This was a stand-worthy event.
"I was afraid of what you'd think of me if I didn't." Allen grunted sheepishly. Matt glared at the two of them for a long, long time.
"He can go a long time without blinking," Alfred whispered.
"You broke your lover's face...for me?" Matt raised an eyebrow. Allen nodded. "Well." Matt let his arms hang instead of crossing them. "I suppose that isn't all so bad. I mean, as long as you don't lose your killer ass punch in the ring, I guess this relationship isn't the worst thing to happen."
Allen beamed. "Alfred wants move into his White House. I know you're kind of against that shit, but—"
"Hallelujah, bitches!" Matt threw his arms up to the sky. "A rat bit my infected toenail the other night, and I found out my Epsom salts were actually just crystal meth. I wanna sleep in a real bed, move." He shoved the two of them aside and stomped down to his truck.
"That's his happy tone, don't worry." Allen nibbled Alfred's neck lightly.
"Really? All his tones kind of seem like "I'll kill you" tones to me, but okay." Alfred relaxed his shoulders. The two of them made their way down to Allen's motorcycle. As Allen was getting on it, Alfred stopped him and kissed him over the handlebars.
"By the way, I love you too, red." He muttered as he ran his fingers through Allen's hair.
Allen smiled into the kiss; a real smile, one he hadn't felt in god-knows-how-long.
"Always, blond."

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