Psycho Love

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Alfred relaxed back in the water and let Allen's hands wander his body. He tingled all over, and had never felt so alive—and sore—in his life. He let out a soft moan when Allen pinched at his ass cheeks under the water, and Allen just smirked. "This is what I've needed all my life, porky." He chuckled and rubbed Alfred's sides. "Real sex with someone just as real and meaningful. I don't gotta pay you, you aren't gonna walk away, and I'm not gonna feel like a piece of shit about it tomorrow."
"Well I mean, I won't walk away or any of that, but you could still pay me." Alfred snickered, and Allen shot him a playful glare.
"I'll have to punish you for that one, blond." Allen leaned in and left a small hickey on Alfred's neck. Alfred felt himself blush, and ran his fingers through Allen's hair.
"I really like you too, Al." He smiled up at him, taking in the features of Allen's face when they were moonlit and he was sweaty from sex. "I didn't know how much I needed a little danger in my life until I met you. And dammit, I needed it." Allen looked away and glared, trying to hide a soft blush of his own.
"Should I drive us back?" Allen traced along the lines on Alfred's stomach and chest.
"At dawn." Alfred relaxed against his chest.
"Hey. What's that? On the beach." Allen pointed to the shore, and Alfred squinted. Suddenly, he drew back in horror.
"Oh god." He whispered breathlessly. "Allen, you have to go. Duck under the water and swim as far away as possible. Like, right now."
"Whoa whoa, I just fucked the life out of you and myself," he chuckled. "I'm not swimming any—"
"I'm serious, Al." Alfred began paddling back to shore in a panic. "GO!"
"Why, Alfred? Tonight was so perfect, what could possibly ruin it?"
It pained Alfred to give him the answer. "My emergency firing squad."
Alfred crawled up the shore in a blind panic.
"We have eyes on the perpetrator," an officer said, with binoculars up and watching Allen scrambling through the water. "Fire on my signal."
"No no, no signals, no firing!" Alfred held up his hands and panted. "He's not a criminal!"
The guards gave Alfred questioning looks as water dripped down his exposed erection. He quickly put a hand in front of himself to hide it. "He's my lover. I came out here, by choice, to meet him, and I initiated everything we did. Believe me!" Alfred cried.
This is goddamn ridiculous. I'm sick of hiding from his guards. They dragged me out once, and they aren't gonna get away with doing it again. Allen thought as he frantically swam towards the pier. He stopped, leaned back in the water, and backstroked his way to shore. What he was met with was less than desirable.
"ALLEN WHAT THE HELL, I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE!" Alfred yelled, trying to shove him back towards the water. "They'll kill you, don't you understand that?!"
"Alfred!" He grabbed Alfred by the shoulders, and the two of them were so caught up in their emotions they didn't notice the squad raising their guns. "I'm sick of this, baby. I'm sick of sneaking around, hiding us from them and my brother."
"We have the brother in custody." A guard piped up from behind them.
Allen's blood ran cold. He stopped mid sentence and stared at Alfred with a look of blankness that scared them both. "You," he spoke through gritted teeth, "let them take my brother?"
Alfred whimpered. "No, no! I didn't tell them to, I-I never...I never would tell do that...I swear! Please believe me! Can someone believe me? I would never tell them to take in your own flesh and blood!" Alfred kissed Allen desperately, trying to seal his truth with a deep kiss. Allen just pulled away, and continued to stare. Alfred felt like his eyes were drilling straight into his soul. "I promise, Al..."
"I changed for you." Allen growled, squeezing his shoulders tighter. "I came back for you even after they tried to drag me away from your house. While you watched, might I add." He snarled, causing Alfred to jump. "I even stuck around after they ambushed me to kill me."
Alfred paled. "You know about that?"
"OF COURSE I DO!" Allen roared. "I'm not as dumb and poor as you've always thought I am."
"All I never thought you were—"
"Save it, shitlord." He narrowed his eyes. "You punched me and I stuck around for you. You sicked your fleet on me while I was walking home and I stuck around for you. You had them drag me out and I still came back for you. AND WHAT DO YOU DO? HAVE MY BROTHER THROWN IN JAIL!" He raised his fist to Alfred, suddenly overcome with rage.
"Al, no! I—" Alfred's plea was cut off abruptly by a single gunshot from behind them. It rang out in the stale night air and hung on everybody.
Allen remained suspended in the air, like a puppet on strings, for a few seconds before slumping into the sand. Alfred clung to him desperately and dug his palm into the bullet wound over Allen's chest, trying hopelessly to stop the bleeding. Allen looked up at him, his eyes glistening in the moonlight with anger and affection, if the two could ever be represented together. Alfred kneeled beside him, hugging him close, letting his tears fall onto Allen's face. He cried softly and breathlessly, his strained whines carrying into the hollow air. He brought a shaky hand up to Allen's face, and caressed it. Slowly, he ran his fingers down it, shutting Allen's eyes as he became more and more limp in Alfred's arms. Alfred leaned his forehead down and pressed it against Allen's. "What..." he hiccuped, gathering all the strength he could muster to speak. "What I...wanted to say, w-was..." he clenched his fists and let Allen slide into the sand lifelessly. "I would never...let any of that happen again, as long as I l-live." His voice broke on live, and he began to tremble as he cried louder. "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" He shrieked into the night, knowing painfully that no one would respond. "Dammit, dammit, dammit Allen, I love you." He brushed his thumb over Allen's cheek, wiping his own tears from it. "I'm so sorry..." Alfred whispered to him. "I love you," he continued, hopelessly wishing that Allen would whisper it back. He put his head down on Allen's chest and held his balled up leather jacket in his fists.
"I'll always love you," Alfred choked out. "Always, red."

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