American Psycho

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"Ohhh, shit." Allen breathed, pushing Alfred away suddenly. "That's my brother."
"I figured you haven't told him about us." Alfred rubbed the back of his head. "Why not now?"
"BECAUSE!" Allen clenched his fists. "We were the ones breaking into your White House, we were the ones poking around your car, we were the ones messing with your guards. You're a rich shit, that's why. We hate people like you, who have not a single care in the world because someone washes your ass so you don't have to look back behind you, ever. Someone is always looking out for you. You get whatever you want, whenever you want it. Everyone loves you, because you've got money and a cute face. You don't know tough life. You have someone pick out your damn clothes for you. You don't know what it's like to live in constant fear, and cover it up with even constanter anger so no one knows what you're thinkin'. You don't know the half of it," Allen turned away from him, not even sure why he was so fired up. "That's why."
Alfred gently turned Allen's head to face him. "I had that package delivered in the morning for a reason, Al." He said quietly, hurt by Allen's anger but feeling compelled to confront it rather than run away.
"I-I know. Today was one of the best days of my life," Allen looked up at Alfred and smiled a little. "I get you know. I can't hate you kinds of people as much. You get the good life because some of you really are good people."
"Sometimes being good is good too, you know." Alfred chuckled softly, and lifted Allen's head up into a deep kiss with a finger under Allen's chin. Allen nearly let himself melt into it, but instead pulled away quickly.
"My brother doesn't exactly have the same mindset. And up until now, we shared the same mindset. It might come as a bit of a shock to him that I'm opening my mind just a little." Allen grunted. "Can I punch you in the nose for good measure?"
"It would be my pleasure." Alfred grinned, agreeing to it before even processing what it meant. "Wait, what—" His voice was cut short by Allen's fist colliding with his face at an inhuman speed. Alfred felt himself fall onto the ground in a weak heap, and his collar was tugged up roughly by Allen yanking on it.
"I like you, blond. A lot. Beach, tomorrow night. You and me." Allen muttered in his ear, then dropped him on the street. Alfred couldn't be more in love than he was at that moment, lying in a puddle with his nose bleeding onto his white shirt.
"I know you're a vegetarian, but I hope balls are in your diet. 'Cause I'm about to kick yours into your throat!" Matt grabbed Allen by the collar and shook him. "You got ten seconds to convince me you're not dating one of those rich big shots."
"C'mon now, Matt," Allen chuckled, "That's mean. I hate nuts."
"Al." Matt snarled. "Explain."
"He was an richie from my panhandling days," Allen nodded. "Always gave me a bit too much, which I kind of appreciated. I decided to take him out then dump him on his ass."
"He wasn't expecting that punch, huh?" Matt chuckled. "Nice. And the suit?"
"Stole it."
"Heh." Matt chuckled. "Nice move. I'm impressed, actually."
Allen nodded and bit his lip, and they walked home in silence. Allen's nerves were about to explode from anxiety. He felt like he was being dangled on the edge of a cliff for the whole walk home, until they finally returned to the apartment and Matt shuffled to the couch to sleep; Allen had lost track of how long he had been holding his breath, but he let out a long exhale when he heard Matt's snoring.
He tiptoed to his room, undid his belt, and flopped down on his mattress. Taking a chance, he whipped out his phone and grabbed a neck-down selfie of his shirt unbuttoned and open, his belt undone, and his jeans unzipped to show a small triangle of his boxers. He rolled over on his side, sent it to Alfred, then fell asleep.
The next night, Alfred waited on the beach for Allen. He'd been saving the photo of questionable decency that Allen had sent him, and had looked at it all last night, this morning and afternoon, and found himself subconsciously taking out his phone to stare at it again. He's so tanned. I wish his whole shirt had been off, having it unbuttoned is like a movie trailer that shows an action scene but cuts it off in the middle...even more, I wish his boxers were off too—
"Hey blond." Allen's rough accent cut off Alfred's thoughts. Allen strolled up to him on the beach wearing a white t-shirt and swim shorts instead of jeans. Alfred began to worry he was overdressed; he didn't even bring swimming gear.
"Hey, Al. You're dressed simple tonight."
"Damn right. It's a hot night," Allen wrapped an arm around Alfred's waist and kissed him deeply, the taste of processed food and cheap liquor rolling off his tongue. Alfred melted into his kiss, wondering if Allen had only been referencing the temperature in calling it a 'hot night.'
"Ready to go swimming?" Allen smirked.
Alfred blushed. " never said...anything about...s-swimming..."
"No, I didn't." Allen slid his hands down to Alfred's hips, rubbing them under his waistband. "That's why I'm asking if you're ready." His gaze became softer in the moonlight and his devilish smirk faded away, and Alfred appreciated the sudden expression of his gentle side. "I've been thinking long and hard about it all day. There's something in you that I know and recognize, because I see it in myself every damn day." Allen tilted Alfred's head up with a finger under his chin and spoke quietly. "But it's something that expensive sex with girls from different clubs, something that all the hard liquor in every bar, something that the roughest fights in the world...something that all that shit just won't solve. Nothing can solve it, except you, right now. I've been looking for you all my life, but I've just been down every wrong path before getting here."
"You're lonely..." Alfred whispered. "As lonely as I am..."
"Smarter than you look, arentcha?" Allen snickered, kissing Alfred again. "I want you. I have such a big hole in my heart that only you can fill."
"I wanna fill your heart hole..." Alfred breathed, but paused and frowned. Allen suddenly burst out laughing.
"Ahhh, and I thought I was falling off my game!" Allen roared, holding his stomach. "You're fucking adorable." He pulled Alfred close again, and Alfred allowed himself to relax and snicker along with him. As Allen's laughter slowly died down, Alfred leaned in close to him and held Allen by the collar of his shirt.
"Take me in the water." Alfred said, his voice low and coarse with desire.
Allen's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "'re ready?"
"Damn right." Alfred kissed Allen again, biting his bottom lip and looking up into his deep red eyes. He could get lost in them, especially if they were rolling back into his head in bed. He blushed at the thought of Allen becoming so weak against him. He felt Allen's hand move to his pants and unzip them, then slide his shirt over his head for him. He raised his arms above his head as his shirt came off, then rested them around Allen's neck and kissed him again. He never wanted to pull away from him. As all his troubled thoughts slipped out of his mind, he felt Allen's tongue slip into his mouth. Alfred groaned softly and let him in. He felt himself being guided to the water by Al, but kept his eyes closed and his lips tight against Allen's. Alfred gasped into the kisses as the cold water hit his exposed skin, but the warmth from Allen's body made him press closer to him. He ran his fingers through Allen's hair. "How do it?" Alfred muttered, trying to get a few words in through the kissing. "This first time..."
"Rough." Allen grunted back, running a hand through Alfred's hair and then gripping it suddenly and pulling his head back to graze his teeth along Alfred's neck. "Unless you want gentle for your first time."
"F-fuck, no." Alfred whispered, digging his nails lightly into Allen's shoulders. "D-don't stop until you hear me begging you for mercy..."
Allen chuckled and sank his teeth into Alfred's soft skin, already glistening with sweat. "You're the boss." He stood behind Alfred and rubbed his chest while running his tongue along the fresh bite mark in his neck. "Although, if I hear you begging for mercy, you can't blame me if I just want to pound your cute little ass even harder." He ran his fingers down Alfred's chest and below the water, between his legs, and smiled to himself when he felt Alfred shiver.
"Then I don't even want you to stop...ever..." Alfred whispered, his voice suddenly failing him. "God, do it, I've been waiting for you for too long..." He surprised himself with the abrupt command, but relaxed when he felt Allen grin against his skin.
"Don't hold back, blond." Allen growled softly in his ear. "The only one around here to hear you is me and the moon. And dammit, I wanna hear you." He held Alfred's hips in a fixed grip and kissed along his spine as Alfred bent forward a little, his face getting close to the water. Alfred chewed his lip, internally debating how to respond.
"Then make this the best night of my life, red."

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