American Psycho

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Hey guys, I was recovering so well that I was able to get enough free time to make two big chapter updates. Hopefully this one, along with the previous chapter I just posted, are well worth the wait! :)
Allen had to go back and see if it was real. See if the glint in the blond man's eyes matched that of his own. See if he needed someone to love, just like Allen did. Maybe breaking in and forcing the man awake wasn't the traditional way to confront someone about their feelings, but Allen was going ahead with it regardless. He was dressed all in black, with the exception of his gleaming red eyes, full of danger, anger, and the slightest hint of...loneliness.
Determinedly, he set out into the night.
Alfred lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling tile where his redheaded intruder had entered before. He'd called off his guards and left that tile open for a reason — but Alfred had been waiting and waiting, and the man hadn't shown up. It was inching past midnight, and Alfred was getting tired. He'd drank Gatorade, played ping pong with himself, gamed a bit, and watched a scary movie to try and stay up, but he was slipping away. Cautiously, he let his eyes shut slowly. He began to drift into a slumber, another lonely slumber. He wanted more than anything to feel someone lying beside him that he could hold close to him, listen to their soft breaths, and absentmindedly wander his fingers around. He sighed a little; that was never going to happen. He was fat. He was annoying. He was loud. He was...unlovable.
As he began to drift deeper and deeper away, he suddenly heard a shift. He shot up in bed just in time to see two legs climbing down from the ceiling tile — but his mind instantly went to the horror movie he'd watched, instead of the particularly sexy intruder. Quickly, he grabbed his BB gun out of his nightstand and shot one of the legs as they were coming down.
"JESUS!" Allen hissed, and dropped onto the floor. He held his leg in pain and bit his lip. Alfred gasped suddenly, realizing what he'd done, then quickly hid under his covers and pretended to be asleep.
"S-so," Allen snickered, getting himself to his feet. "This is how we meet, is it? You shooting me? How romantic." He sneered. Alfred squeezed his eyes shut, hoping the guy would believe that he was asleep.
Allen yanked the blankets off of Alfred, exposing his entire body (and MacDonald's boxers) in all its glory. "COLD!" Alfred yelled. "COLD! COLD! CO—"
"Quiet!" Allen slapped a hand over Alfred's mouth, and glared at him. Alfred recognized the distinctive look in Allen's eyes, a look of desperate loneliness. Allen opened his mouth to say more, but caught a glimpse of the lonely, sad look in Alfred's eyes; a look he knew for himself all too well. "What's...what's your name, hot cakes?" Allen said quietly, trying not to stutter - he was never this bad with the ladies, why wasn't he as smooth with this guy?
"Alfred," Alfred whispered, staring longingly into the redhead's eyes.
"I'm Allen. Call me Al," the intruder said, taking his hand away from Alfred's mouth.
"Why...why are you here? Twice?" Alfred said, partially in shock.
Allen shut his eyes. "I came the first time to rob you. You fucking disgust me, you rich piece of shit." Alfred crumbled at Allen's harsh words. "But I saw you the first time...and I couldn't forget you."
"Why? Is it 'cause I'm so fat?"
"Nah. I'd say that fat is just more of you for someone to love."
Alfred paused. "I...haven't found anyone yet."
"A rich ass like you hasn't found anyone yet? That's insane. Your eyes are.." Allen trailed off course. He had a smooth line he was ready to drop, but he'd totally lost it. WHY?! "...really nice." He finished, mentally cursing himself. Really nice? Really fucking nice? Are you a caveman?
Alfred swallowed a bit. " are yours," Alfred said, trying to muster up as much confidence as possible. He relaxed his shoulders, let his eyelids droop, and a smirk spread across his face. "In fact, Al, I'd say you're pretty hot yourself," Alfred said, feeling proud of himself for acting so smooth. Yeah, he definitely had confidence now. I've got this, he thought to himself. He's mine. Alfred grinned a bit bigger, and leaned his arm against his wall. Suddenly, a loud alarm system began to blare. Alfred went ghostly pale; in his attempt at being smooth, he'd leaned his hand on his panic button.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Allen yelled over the sirens, a panicked look in his eyes.
"AH! GO, JUST GO! I'M SORRY! COME BACK ANOTHER TIME!" Alfred screeched, trying to help Allen back up through his ceiling tile. Alfred quickly devised a lie to tell his guards, then went to say goodbye to Allen...
But Allen had disappeared into the ceiling, and out of Alfred's reach again.

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