American Beauty

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Hey guys, author here. I am very, very aware that there's been a big gap between these last 3 chapters and the one posted in March. I had these 3 chapters already written in April and meant to publish them at scattered times between April and now, but when I hit publish on them, I guess wattpad just didn't publish them?? I'd been wondering for weeks and weeks why I wasn't getting any news or notifications about this story, and only clued in recently that maybe something had glitched and the chapters didn't get published. Sure enough, that was the case. I'll try and double check next time I hit publish on something. In the meantime, enjoy the veggie burger! As always, smash that vote button.
Allen signed with relief, finally having kicked Matt out of his apartment. It hadn't been easy, but Allen had gotten him tickets to a hockey game up north, in Ottawa, along with an all expenses paid stay overnight in a hotel there. It'd costed Allen a small fortune, but it'd be well worth it if his plan worked out. Matt's plane had left earlier in the morning, much to Matt's tired dismay, but Allen had managed to get Matt onto the plane anyway. He felt free in the sense that Matt would no longer have any idea what Allen was doing; he was free to carry out the rest of his plot. And so he would.
Alfred woke up the next morning with half a melted cherry Popsicle on his chest. Awwww, he thought. I was saving that.
He sat up and stretched, then checked his eye with his front phone camera. It had nearly healed, and he gave a relieved grin to himself in the camera. After making sure his face was okay, his mind immediately went to Allen. He had to go find him, and ask him if that kiss was just a dream he'd experienced while drugged, or if Allen had really done it and meant it. His mind felt starving, like, you know when you haven't eaten since breakfast and you really want a Big Mac? He felt like that, except in his head...he just really wanted a Big Mac now.
He slid out of bed and shuffled tiredly downstairs. "Guards!" He called out, and four of them rushed into the room like a herd of puppies who hadn't found their footing yet. "Fetch me Mickeys."
"Big Mac and large fries, sir?" One asked.
"And a large Coke," Alfred answered, sending them on their way. When they left, the silence of his mansion suddenly set in on him; it was deafening. He sighed to himself just to hear a voice. He flopped on the couch, pulled his knees up to his chest, and rested his chin on them. He had to find that hot, redheaded stranger that was introducing all this danger and mystery into Alfred's life, and set things right. There was something Alfred saw in Allen's eyes every time they met, that reminded Alfred of a look he'd seen in himself way too many times. Could it be the same emptiness that Alfred felt on a daily basis?
...nah, Allen seemed too cool for that. He had his gang, his scary brother, and probably a dump truck full of hot girls. Alfred shoved it out of his mind and played on his Xbox as he waited for his breakfast.
Allen had been waiting in his apartment all day for the blond wonder to arrive. Alfred hadn't come all morning, all afternoon, and now the sun was beginning to set. "Is it possible he forgot about me?" He spoke to himself aloud just to hear another voice besides the one in his head. "No, people don't forget about me. It just doesn't happen. I'm me!" He growled to himself. He wasn't just another face in the crowd.
Maybe...maybe Alfred didn't remember the kiss at all. Allen thought, his shoulders drooping sadly. Maybe he was so drugged up he didn't even remember me coming...and even if he did...why would he want to hunt me down again. He got pummeled when he did the first time...
Allen sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. Maybe I should just let this kid live his life. Why am I even getting involved? I sent my brother away, god dammit...
Allen banged the countertop with his fist. I'm getting involved cause I want to get involved, dammit. I've gotta find answers. He growled to himself pulled his leather jacket on, stomped out of his apartment, and set off down the street.
Alfred was having dinner with his guards when Allen began to approach the mansion from afar.
"Alert! Alert! Unscheduled visitor approaching!" A guard from the watch tower yelled into his walkie talkie, and Alfred perked up from his dinner as he heard it chime over the walkies of all the guards he was sitting with. "Requesting ground view services?"
"Granted." Another guard said into his walkie talkie, running out of the room. Alfred thought nothing of it, maybe just more clueless tourists wanting to get a picture with the "White House". He'd been caught up in gaming all day to try and push Allen out of his mind...or rather, shut up his own mental conflict over whether or not to pursue Allen. He continued eating his dinner, his head down to his plate.
Allen yelped as a flood of guards suddenly surrounded him, guns drawn. He hadn't even thought about Alfred's guards, he'd just gone for it without even talking to his gang about backup. He slowly raised his arms over his head and spoke calmly, scanning the swarm for a female guard he could distract. "Hey, I'm here for Alfred. He didn't tell yas about the appointment I made to visit him?"
"Shut your mouth, street scum." A guard snapped at him, and the comment stung Allen more than it should have. "Alfred never made any appointments today, in fact he's never even spoken about you before. You have 10 seconds to leave this property before we do the favor for you."
Allen frowned. Okay, so he hasn't told his guards about me specifically...fair enough, I haven't told Matt about him either. But I thought he'd want to talk...
"Five seconds." A guard growled. "Four, three."
"Alfred!" Allen yelled desperately, hoping Alfred was aware of the situation outside. Had he called these guards on Allen himself? Did he want Allen gone? "ALFRED!"
Alfred stood from his seat, annoyed by the commotion outside. The guards were supposed to take care of those tourists quietly, without disrupting something as important as dinner. Alfred peered out the window, and screamed into his hand when he saw Allen outside his home, being forcibly removed by his guards. "NO!" Alfred yelled. "STOP, STOP!" He bolted to the front doors and threw them open a second too late; he made eye contact across the yard with Allen as the guards dragged the kicking and screaming redhead off the property. "No..." Alfred whispered, frozen in place. He couldn't think, walk, or move.
Allen shot Alfred a harsh glare as he made eye contact with him while being pulled away. That's it, Allen thought. This guy wants me gone, and so be it. I overstepped my bounds anyway, thinkin' a rich shit like him would actually care for me. I'm out, he thought to himself angrily, running down the street and away from the property. In that moment when Alfred had watched Allen being dragged away, Allen decided he was never going back.

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