Chapter 3

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Hey guys, it's Nova!
Thank you for all of the support we've gotten! (I honestly wasn't expecting much)
Anywho, here's the next chapter!

Storm's POV, 2 hours earlier

After laying Nari on the table, Storm watched as she winced in her sleep. He took off his bag, and brought out a roll of cloth, putting it under her head and neck. Also taking out a fairly large first aid crate. He cleaned her wounds, and applied sterile bandages. To keep them in place, he wrapped gauze over the entirety of her torso and chest, and going down her left arm, to hold the cloth in place there. After he got done, he went to the other table and grabbed her underwear, putting it back on her. He went to the corner, and got her clothes, a pair of beat up pants, and a warm parka, with a medical cross on the back. He slid the pants on her, careful to not disturb her or to irritate her wounds. He then layed the parka over her.

1 hour later

Storm walked back down the stairs, his squad leader, Jax, taking his place watching the entrance. Getting to the bottom, he saw Nari leaning against the table she layed on before. Slinging his AUG to his back, he walked over to her. "How's the pain?" He asked, stopping in front of her. She stepped forward a little. "It still stings a b-IT" she says, as she starts to fall. Lunging forward, Storm catches her, putting his paws where he knows she doesn't have wounds at. "Woah, woah, I've got you," he said, helping her to her feet. She had a green blush showing through her white fur. "Th-thank you..." she said, avoiding his gaze. Storm looked at her with a warm smile. "Don't worry about it," he said, helping her back onto the table. Nari brushed her tail on Storm's arm. "C-can I tell you something, in private?" She studdered out. Storm's ears perked in suprise. "Sure..." he said. Nari weakly pointed to the other side of the room, away from the rest of his squad. He helped her up, acting as her crutch as she shuffled across the room. He layed her down against the wall, so she didn't need to strain to stand. She gave him a thankful look as he crouched beside her. Storm gave her a confused look. "What did you want to say?" He asked, his head tilted slightly. Nari hesitated for a moment, then spoke without her British accent, instead a normal dialect, with a slight Russian tinge. "I-I'm not British... I'm a nurse for the USSR..." Storm looked at her, suprised. "What? Then why didn't you say earlier?" He asked, glancing over his shoulder, making sure his squadmates didn't hear. Nari put her paw on his arm. "I thought... if I said I was Russian, you'd kill me..." she said, guilt on her voice. "But, I realize how corrupt Russia has become... so please, I want to leave... and to leave... with you guys, Storm," she said, her face twisted with pain. "Alright," Storm said, getting up. "Not a word to the others, okay?" Nari nodded weakly. Grabbing his first aid crate again, he brought it over to her. Taking out a morphine injector, he held it in front of her. "This will hurt a tiny bit, but it will help in the long run," he said, holding the pen to her leg. Hitting the button, she flinched, then her face relaxed, the pain ebbing from her. "Thank you..." she said, leaning her head back onto the wall. She looked at him, hesitating a bit. "Can you... stay here, with me?" She asked as Storm stood up. "Oh, uh, sure," he said, sitting down next to her, in the same position. After a few moments, Nari falls asleep, and in her slumber, she falls gently onto Storm. He flinched slightly, but accepted it, falling asleep himself shortly after.


Ok guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As always, feel free to point anything out in the comments!

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