Love Is A Deadly Emotion

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I've totally been hella motivated~ (Sarcasm)


Anyways.. Enjoy the next chapter. :)

Made it long just for you dudes!

— Nari's Pov —

      I woke up, feeling warm and fuzzy all over. Wait.. I am fuzzy... I'm a cat..

      My eyes adjusted to the light room and I scanned it silently. I slowly got off of the snow leopard next to me. Wait.. Snow leopard?!? My eyes quickly focused on the feline and I tilted my head. 'Wait?.. What? I thought that was a dream...' I shakily put my paws on his chest, and shook him. He groaned and rolled his head to the side, grumbling something I couldn't hear.

      'Okay..' I thought, and shifted my weight. Shakily standing up, I realized I didn't hurt as much as I have before. My long bushy tail swiped across the floor and I sighed. Lifting my tail high, I looked at the bottom of it. Luckily it didn't get dirty. 'Is this the infirmary?' I ask myself, emerald eyes scanning over the various beds with bloodied sheets. My eyes drifted to a set of stairs, and I couldn't help but feel curious.

      I limped over to the first step and stared up them. I sighed, and made my way up them, clutching the railing tightly with one paw. A blue-eyed canine looked over at me. A cold.. Cold blue... His gaze was harsh, and made me feel quite scared. I felt myself stiffen as I stated at him back.

      "What?" He snapped, narrowing his cold, dark eyes. A low growl rumbled in his throat as he stayed leaning against a wall, probably guarding it. I ripped my eyes away from his gaze, feeling my body tremble slightly. Pulling the hood over my head, I quickly limped off, my paws making a quiet pitter-patter against the tile floor.

     My eyes scanned the next room I came upon, only seeing weapons and cases. 'Armory?' I questioned myself, looking towards another door.

      I slowly opened it, stepping inside. The room had four cots, two on both sides of the room. I limped through, and heard a voice behind me. "Hey, you! The pretty kitty! Catch!!" I spun around, only to be met with a cheetah with a grenade in his hand. He bit onto the pin and yanked it out. I watched in slow motion as he chucked it right at me, the spoon flying off.

      My entire world seemed to stop, but I caught it. WHY DID I CATCH A GRENADE?!? My eyes widened and fear surged throughout my body. I dropped it and ran as fast as my injured body would let me. I hid behind a wall where I felt safe enough. Only to have my ears be met with laughter. Hysterical laughter...

      It didn't explode? My ears perked up as I slowly peeked through the doorway. I jumped back as soon as my nose touched another. My bright eyes focused on a cheetah, who was about a foot away from me. I looked at the albino cheetah, who was holding the empty grenade in his paw.

     "Hiya!" He greeted me, a large grin across his face. I gulped, feeling kinda nervous. "What was a pretty kitty like you doing to get beat up like that?" He smiled and then lifted up my parka. My eyes widened and I gasped, trying to pry his hands off as he examined my body.

     I felt my face grow hot as his gaze traveled back up to my eyes. "Such a shame Storm has his eyes on you. Or I'd totally tap this." The cheetah whispered, his pale gaze traveling back down to my exposed stomach. I felt a shiver run down my spine as one of his hands released my clothing and stroked the soft, white fur.

     I squeaked and grabbed onto his wrist with both paws, and tried to pry him off of me. I squirmed and he just chuckled lightly. "How adorable." He cooed, and pecked my cheek, letting go. My mouth gaped open. DID HE JUST DO THAT? I quickly closed my mouth before he got any ideas. "I'm Felix, by the way." He smirked, turning around. Felix walked off, his thin tail swaying.

     I watched him walk away and I turned around, continuing to explore. I was a bit more cautious than before. Walking into the room where the angry wolf used to stand, I saw a new Canine. He was brown, with vibrant yellow eyes. He looked over at me from his spot against the wall. A rifle was in his paws, and he lowered it slightly.

           I slowly approached him and looked up at him. His golden eyes slowly locked onto me and he raised an 'eyebrow' at me. My ears flattened and he blinked. "Need anything?" He asked, his head tilting slightly. I started to feel anxious, wondering what he'd do next. "I-I'm Nari.." I meowed, my ear twitching. "Carter." He responds, one of his brown ears flicking. My eyes drift down slightly, to his chest. The wolf tilts his head and continues to look down at me. "W-Who's that other wolf?.." I questioned him, my eyes drifting off.

     "Jax. He's the squad leader. " Carter yawned, his bushy tail lashing, swiping across the wall.

     Suddenly, I saw a hand go in front of my muzzle, and covered it with a cloth. My eyes widened and I held my breath as I felt another hold me back. I felt myself press against someone. My gaze locked onto Carter and I struggled, whining. I took a sharp breath in, expecting myself to soon lose consciousness.

      I let out a muffled cry. A plea for help. Then, I see Carter shake his head. Whoever was holding me released their grip and I fell forward. The wolf caught me in his large paws and smiled lightly. "Look, Storm. You scared the poor girl to death." He chuckled. I stayed silent. Trembling in the paws of the wolf.

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