Ch.2 The Flight

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Charlotte's POV

I've never packed a suit case so fast in my life. I didn't even pay attention to what exactly I was putting in it. I just made sure that I had enough clothes for at least a week because I have no idea how long we are going to be staying there. Officer Hudson said that the drunk driver was dead on arrival, so I guess we won't have to stay for any trials. I just want to be with my little Skye right now. I've never missed her so much in my life. After I was done packing I waited for Jake to finish. I tried talking him out of coming but he wouldn't budge. I finally gave up, knowing that I wasn't going to change his mind. It came time to leave. I called a taxi while Jake went upstairs to get our bags. When the taxi pulled up I helped Jake carry the bags to the car and we were on our way. The drive wasn't that long but time had never moved so slow. As we sat holding hands I stared out the window and drifted into thought. I don't know how I'm gonna do this whole raising Skyler thing. Hell, I don't know how we're gonna do it considering I live with Jake and three of our friends. At least there's gonna be one person in the house that's the same age as Skyler, but I'm not thrilled that it's a boy. I guess I was pretty far off in my own thoughts because when I finally snapped out of it we were already at the airport. As we went to take our seats in the plane I started to feel very anxious. I must have made it obvious because Jake immediately noticed.

Jake's POV

As long as I have known Charlotte she doesn't fly on planes and neither does her little sister Skyler because It gives them both very bad anxiety. I could tell that it finally set in to Charlotte that we were on a plane, but I acted as if I didn't know just in case she didn't realize it yet. "What's wrong babe?" I asked automatically feeling stupid since both of her parents just died. "I was so deep in thought and in such a rush that I didn't even notice we were getting on a plane, and flying on a plane, and that I'm on a freaking plane!" she whisper yelled the last part. "Charlie I know you hate it" I said calling Charlotte by her nickname as an attempt to make her feel better. "but just think about the fact that your sister is literally going to be in your arms after a year, in no time." I continued trying to get her mind off the plane because we were currently taking off. It took a while but Charlotte finally calmed down. She nestled her head in the crook of my neck and fell asleep. I couldn't help but be sad that I would never get the chance to meet Charlotte's parents in person. Of course I have met them at one point in our one year relationship considering she moved in to the same house as me, but it was over Skype. I was really looking forward to meeting her parents when they came in the summertime. I have to look at the bright side though, at least I get to meet Skyler. She is such a goofball. When Charlotte and her sister skype they crack me up. I'll look over and those two are singing Fall Out Boy songs and playing the air guitar. They actually sound pretty good if I do say so myself, although now that I'm thinking about it I may be quite bias. While picturing Charlotte playing the air guitar I began drifting to sleep.

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