Ch.4 Goodbye

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Skyler's POV

I woke up the next morning to find Jake asleep and Charlotte gone. I began to panic for a minute until I checked my phone. I had a message from Charlotte.

Charlie<3: Good morning Skye I went to fill out some paperwork at the police station. I should be back in at most an hour and a half. Love you.
Skyler: Good morning sis hope everything is going well. Love you too.

I laid down and went through twitter on my phone. I had a lot of concerned tweets from supporters. Many asking why neither Charlie or I have tweeted since yesterday morning. I don't know what to say or if I should say anything at all. How am I supposed to explain to everyone what's going on when I don't even have a complete grasp on it yet? I'm not ready to talk about it publicly yet and I don't think Charlotte is either, so I just retweeted a picture of a cute dog so they new that I was "okay". Jake finally woke up. "Good morning kiddo." He said still half asleep. "Good morning." I replied. "Where's Charlotte?" He asked. "She said she was going to fill out papers at the police station and she would be back in an hour and a half, and she said that an hour ago so she should be back soon." I assured him. He went in the restroom and took a shower. While he was in the shower I looked at the day on my phone. It was almost the end of the week and I haven't even filmed my video for this Saturday! I can't film a video, not yet. I'll just say I'm sick and I don't feel well. I think I'll pull myself together enough to film next week. Jake came out of the restroom and made their bed. I then made mine and we both waited for Charlotte to get back.

Charlotte's POV

After walking out of the police station I got in my car and just sat there starring off into space. I am now Skyler's legal guardian, I'm someone's legal guardian. I started to think negative but I quickly changed that by thinking of what the future will hold for Skyler and I. I drove back to the hotel to find Jake and Skyler ready to go. I gave Jake the keys and we all walked to the car. My parents didn't want funerals. All they wanted was to be cremated and their ashes scattered in a lake that we would visit constantly throughout the years, called Greenbelt Lake. We were driving to pick up the ashes and then heading straight to the lake.

Skyler's POV

After we left the place to pick up Mom and Dad I felt really nauseous but I held it together. I haven't cried at all today but I know that I will later whenever we scatter their ashes in the lake. I still feel like no matter how much it sets in that they're gone, it never completely will. We pulled up as close as we could to the lake and then walked the rest of the way. Charlotte was carrying the case. I felt a tear fall from my eye but I quickly wiped it away. "Remember Skye Mom and Dad wouldn't want us to cry, they would want us to be strong and get through this together." She said grabbing my hand. We both decided to say something. I nodded for her to go first because I hadn't finished coming up with what I wanted to say yet. She looked like she was going to breakdown but Jake grabbed her hand and offered to go first if that was okay with us. We both nodded.

Jake's POV

"Hello Mr and Mrs Mendez. It would've been a pleasure to have known you. From what I've heard you two are a couple of amazing parents. It was an honor to have met you both, even if it was over Skype. Lastly thank you for bringing an amazing woman like Charlotte into this world. Bye."

Charlotte's POV

"Okay Mom, Dad. Thank you for always supporting me in what I want to do in my life, even if you don't understand it at first, like the whole YouTube thing. I thank you for teaching me all of the things I know and use in my life, because we sure as hell know nothing my teachers taught me has come in handy yet." I said chuckling. "I truly hope that one day I can be half of the parent that you guys are. I know I can't do it as well but I will take care of Skyler, no matter what it takes. I want you to know that we will get through this together, for you guys. I love you Mom and Dad, bye."

Skyler's POV

"So I guess it's my turn to say something. I'm going to try my hardest to keep this short and simple because like Charlotte said earlier I know you don't want to see us cry. This whole life thing is really going to be hard without you guys to ground me when I do something stupid or say no when I want to buy something ridiculous. I'm going to miss those irritating little arguments me and mom would have when I didn't want to go to school and the annoying questions at the dinner table like, "What did you learn at school today?" Regardless of how hard it's going to be not having you both by my side I know that you are always here for me rather it be in person or just watching over me. Thank you for helping me through my first 15, almost 16 years of life. I love you so much Mom. I love you so much Dad... Goodbye." I finished wiping away a couple tears. Charlotte and I both grabbed one end of the case and tilted it so that the ashes flowed into the water. All three of us sat cross legged in the sand watching the water drag the ashes out further and further away. After several minutes we walked back to the car and drove home. We had to go to the house to pack up my stuff. I laid my head against the window while relaxing to music on the radio. Before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep.

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