Ch.8 Understanding

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Lucas's POV

Dylan and I sat in Geometry class waiting for the bell to ring so that we could go home. "So how does it feel to be living with your celebrity crush?" Dylan asks giggling. "Shut up." I say punching him in the arm jokingly. "I just watch her videos, that doesn't mean I have a crush on her." I say with it coming out more defensive than I wanted it to. Dylan chuckles, "Okay calm down lover boy, I'm just teasing."

I wonder how she's adjusting, it can't be easy. Going from living in a small city with your parents, to being an orphan and getting dropped into a huge city like LA, of all places.

I'm deep in my thoughts when Dylan nudges me back into reality. The bell has now already rang and it's time to go home. Dylan and I run to our lockers to grab our penny boards and race all the way to my house.

Our bodies slammed against each other in a battle to touch the door first. To my surprise I actually won this time. We've raced like this almost everyday for about 2-3 years now and I think I've only won a few times.

We enter the house to find loud music coming from upstairs. Dylan begins to mock the gaudy country music coming from Charlie's room as we continue up the stairs. While walking into my room I heard a weird wheezing noise. We set down our stuff and Dylan went straight to my computer. I was about to sit down beside him when I heard the mysterious noise again. "I'll be right back" I say as I start walking out of my bedroom.

The noise is coming from Skyler's room? I knock and there is no reply, just the same noise except when I knock it seems to get more intense. This causes me to become worried. I decide to knock one more time before opening the door. "Skyler are you okay in there?" I knock, again to no answer. Slowly turning the knob I open the door to find Skyler sitting on her bed. She was vigorously shaking with tears streaming down her face. "What's wrong Skye?" I ask confused. She started grabbing her chest as if she couldn't grasp a breath.

A few months ago something similar to this happened to Charlotte. When 'WTF Daily Updates', a popular drama channel, posted a video saying that she was cheating on Jake with this other big YouTuber Ricky Dillon...well before he came out as Asexual. Jake came in the room, hugged her tight and said, " Charlie Everything is going to be okay. I'm here. Just breath and tell me what's wrong." After she explained why she was freaking out Jake assured me that she would be okay and that she was just having a panic attack because she didn't want her fans to think she would do something terrible like that.

Skyler's POV

I've had some pretty bad panic attacks over the years but this one is definitely the worst so far. I just keep hoping that Charlotte is going to walk through the door and say she's ready to film so that someone can calm me down because I am not doing a good job of it myself.

I hear a knock on the door and am filled with hope, thinking that it was Charlotte to come to my rescue yet again like the good old days. I tried to call out to her but no words would escape my mouth. When i tried to talk my breathing just became heavier. Then I heard his voice, it was Lucas. I quickly tried to calm down because I did not want him to see me like this but I still could not. I'm sure I'm going to look like a freak to him.

The door opens and I see his face full of worry. "What's wrong Skye?" he asks. Since I still could not utter any words I grab my chest in hopes that he will go get Charlie. He stands there thinking for a couple of seconds and then his face changes from worry to certainty. Before I knew it he was sitting next to me on the edge of my bed. To my surprise he wrapped me in a hug and said, "Skye everything is going to be okay. I'm here. Just breath and tell me what's wrong." I instantly feel a rush of safety and control. After I finally got my breathing back to normal I returned the hug and we pulled apart.

"What made you have a panic attack Skye?" Lucas asked making me very confused as to how he knew what was going on. I'm not gonna lie it gave me a sense of relief to hear those words come out of his mouth. I didn't have to explain what happened, he just understood. No one really ever understands other than Charlie.

I explained to him what happened. After I was done I realized that I was completely broke down in tears. I don't even let people see me tear up, let alone leave myself this vulnerable, especially with a guy I just met. I began to turn away from him so that he could no longer see me but then he pulled me back into a hug.

"You never have to be embarrassed to cry in front of me Skye. I know that we just recently met but I am always here for you. Whether you need to talk or just someone to hold you while you cry." His words making me feel warm and fuzzy inside. As quick as the tears came, they went away. Being replaced with a smile from ear to ear.

"Thank you for understanding and not looking at me like I am a freak." I say thankful. "Of course and if you are a freak then you are a beautiful freak...not that you are a freak!" He quickly adds blushing. His words leave me speechless. I think the sweetest thing any guy (other than my dad) has ever said to me was, "Oh my god Skyler, you look like you may have lost a couple pounds.. We'll see how long that lasts."

When I finally open my mouth to say something back. Lucas broke the silence blushing. "I forgot that Dylan is here so I'm gonna go hang out with him but I'll see you at dinner." He smiles walking out the door. I continue trying to comprehend everything that just happened...

Why was he saying all of those nice things? He probably just feels bad for me. What if he likes me? What if he like-likes me? No he wouldn't like YOU, Skyler. Do not get feelings. I REPEAT DO NOT GET FEELINGS!

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