Ch.12 The Ocean

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I was going to continue the conversation ears tuned into the calm, relaxing sound of waves gracefully flowing onto the shore.

"Can we go into the water?" I ask Lucas eagerly.

"I was going to go say what's up to some of the soccer guys." He informs me while pointing at a group of very tipsy looking boys.

"Oh okay." I say with a twinge of disappointment.

"Have you never been to the ocean before?" Adym asks curiously.

"No but i've always wanted to." I smile just thinking about the ocean.

"Hey bro I'll go with her." Adym offers.

"Is that okay with you Skye?" Lucas asks me seriously

You know 99.9% of the time I would say absolutely not. I'd want to stay by Luke's side at all times because I know him and trust him. But there's just something about Adym that makes me feel like I have to get to know him.

"Yeah, that's fine. If you can't find me after you're done talking to your friends just text me."

"Okay I'll be back in a little bit." Lucas assures me.

As Lucas walked off, Adym and I began making our way towards the beautiful ocean. When we get to the edge of the shore he begins to take off his shirt. My brain is telling me I shouldn't look but my eyes failed to get the memo. He didn't have the chiseled abs that all girls drool over but for some reason I liked that. It's not like he wasn't fit or muscular because let me tell you he definitely is but it's definitely not overdone like the guys in movies.

Adym's POV

After taking off my shirt I looked at Skyler to see if she was ready, but when I glanced over she still had all of her clothes on. We made eye contact which caused her to blush and hide her face in embarrassment because I just caught her watching me undress. She soon gets over it and begins to remove her clothes which I could tell was uncomfortable for her but I don't see why, her body was honestly a work of art. I didn't notice that I was paying so much attention to her body until I started to feel a boner coming on that I couldn't quite stop.

Skyler's POV

I took my last piece of clothing off and was left in my bikini. I haven't worn any kind of swimsuit in 3 years. That was when kids at school first thought it would be funny to bully me for my weight. I acted like it didn't get to me but when I tried to wear a swimsuit that summer it felt impossible to not replay everything they said over and over again in my head. Ever since then I've just worn a big t-shirt and shorts to go swimming. Thank God for high waisted pants because that is the only way I'm comfortable wearing a crop top.

I decided a little earlier this year that since I was gonna be coming to California this Summer I would attempt to be confident and buy a bikini. But now that I'm here in California and about to go into the ocean with an extremely hot guy, I've never felt more insecure in my entire life. When I looked toward Adym he was already staring at me; probably in disgust. I quickly cross my arms attempting to cover my stomach and begin to bow my head in shame when I felt a grip around my waist. Before I knew it, my feet were off the ground and Adym had threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I usually hated when people attempted to pick me up because I automatically know that they will be unsuccessful but I guess Adym is a lot stronger than he looks. As he set me down I was surprised by the rush of cold water.

"Adymm." I say while playfully punching his arm.

"What? I couldn't help myself." He shrugs his shoulders in defense.

"Oh reeeally?" I splash water in his face and giggle.

"Soo, you wanna play that game?" He says with a mischievous grin on his face.

I push off the ground and quickly try to swim as far away from him as I can get. When I look back to see how far I've gotten Adym engulfs me in his arms and begins tickling me. I attempt to pry myself away from him but he is too strong for me to get away. After losing all control my arms begin to flail in protest; Which causes Adym to stop in fear of losing his own life. I smile out of victory.

"Don't think you won. I'll get you back another time." He informs me with a wink.

"We'll have to see about that." I tease.

As the sun set more and more the water became colder and colder. Without even noticing, my teeth began to chatter.

"You look like you're freezing." Adym says worried.

"Just a little cold but I'll be fine." I lie starting to feel my body shiver.

"Wanna go hang out by the bonfire? It'll be much warmer over there."

I had to think about it because I really wasn't ready to leave the ocean yet.

"Skye, you live here now. The ocean will be here tomorrow and the next day, and the neext day, and the n..."

I cut him off. "Okay, okay, okay.... RACE YOU TO THE SHORE!" I yell while swimming as fast as I can. I was so close I could almost touch the dry sand, when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me back.

"Hey no fair. That's cheating." I whine and pout.

"Oops!" Adym yells back while running up on shore. Once I stepped out of the water the breeze instantly chilled my skin, giving me goosebumps. I guess Adym noticed because he handed me his hoodie to wear. When I put it on we both busted out laughing because it looked three sizes too big on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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