Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Sasha

            I woke three hours later; an impressive feat considering I normally can only sleep for two. I got up and grabbed a pencil and paper, writing down everything I would need. I would probably be gone for at least 2 weeks if not more so I had to plan accordingly.

o   7 pairs of socks and underwear

o   5 shirts (3 short sleeve, 2 long sleeve)

o   5 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of shorts

o   2 pairs of pajamas

o   1 bathing suit (Just in case)

o   1 nice dress (Just in case)

o   Shoes (Sneakers, heels, boots)

o   Shampoo + conditioner

o   Toothbrush + toothpaste

o   Hairbrush

o   Cell phone

o   Towel

o   Weapons (Knives, stakes, gun?)

I nodded as I set down the list and started looking through my closet for a duffel bag. I grabbed a random black one and began pulling things out of my drawers. I tip toed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and took a quick shower then packed all that stuff in the bag as well. I quickly dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a plain black shirt and grabbed my boots. When it came to weapons, I frowned. As a servant, we weren’t allowed to have weapons obviously. My bag was full anyways and I’m sure my Master had already made a kit of what I would need for the mission.

            I grabbed another piece of paper and wrote a note to the others, explaining where I was and what I was doing. I made sure to apologize for making them do my chores for me. After all it would be another 3 or 4 days until Heather was all better and could help out with the work. I checked my watch. 5:20. I would probably leave in an hour so I took my time going to the kitchen. The tray of cookies I had made sat half empty on the counter and I sighed, as I thought about my life in the next 2 weeks. I would much rather be here, helping the others to clean and making snacks for the humans than hunting down a necromancer on a suicide mission.

            But it didn’t matter what I thought or wanted. As comfortable as my life is here, I was and always will be nothing but a servant. I sighed again as I opened the vampire fridge and pulled out a couple blood bags. I didn’t need to feed as much as a normal vampire, only 2 or 3 times a week. How I would keep the blood refrigerated was another problem and I grabbed a thermos bag, hoping it would do until I could find another fridge or freezer.

            My watch read 5:45 as I walked to the foyer, my duffel swung over one shoulder while my thermos bag hung in my hand. My boots made soft clicking sounds as they hit the floor, the sound echoing in the empty halls. My Master was waiting for me along with Thale. He held another black duffel of weapons. I walked over and he offered the bag to me silently. I took it and murmured a thanks, adjusting the bag so I could hold both duffels on one shoulder. The sound of cars pulling up the driveway made me turn towards the door and walk outside. Two black vans pulled up, both with tinted windows and a mysterious vibe surrounding them. The driver’s door in the first one opened and a man in a black COVEC uniform stepped out, walking to the second one and saying something to the driver. The other driver stepped out and they both walked over to the side door of the second van.

            I saw the first driver rest his hands on a tranquilizer gun slung through his belt as the second driver opened the door. 3 creatures walked out, 2 of them glaring hatefully at each other while the other just looked lost. They all wore the COVEC prisoner uniforms; baggy, shapeless white pants and a white t-shirt with the COVEC symbol on the front and their ID on the back. Around their necks were what looked like leather chokers with metal studs.  Those must be the collars I thought, trying to figure out how they worked.

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