Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Zachariah

            Sasha seemed to contort slightly after drinking the contents of the vial and collapsed on the ground. Whatever she had drunk apparently wasn’t working as she stood back up slowly, keeping her face pointed down. She twisted her head to the side, a loud crack sounding through the still air. What the hell was going on? Our new collars allowed us to use our powers without getting zapped and I told myself I would thank James later. My wings came out and I felt my eyes turn gold. I could feel Heaven’s Fire flowing through me and my skin started to glow gold. Lily had her bat-like wings out and small black horns stuck through her black hair. Her normally green eyes were solid black and her teeth were razor-sharp points. She stood protectively in front of Jamie who stood there confused.

            Sasha finally looked up and I froze. Her eyes were solid crimson and her fangs dripped blood and venom onto the ground. Her face was different, more angular and animalistic. She grinned, licking her lips as she looked at us.

            “Well, what do we have here?” Her voice was low and seductive. I felt myself fall under her power, thinking that this must be how others felt when nephilim used our powers to bewitch them. She sniffed the air, her grin growing wider.

            “I’ve never had a nephilim before. Or a seer for that matter.” She winked at Jamie who was still standing behind Lily. Lily growled and crouched, ready to protect him with her life. Suddenly, Sasha vanished. I spun around as something tapped me on the back and I came face to face with a pair of venomous fangs. I yelled as a sharp pain erupted in my neck and I focused all the fire in me to where she was biting me. I knew that it would destroy her, but clearly she was not sane and personally, I’d rather her die than me. She yelped and pulled back, her face a mask of hurt. She pouted and huffed as she took a step back.

            “You burned me.” Her voice was accusing as she carefully touched her tongue. I could see the burns already healing. I took a step back, dumbfounded. That wasn’t possible. My fire should have completely obliterated her, burned her to a cinder. I remembered what she had said when we had pulled over; “I’m not a vampire.” What was she then? As far as I knew, the only creature a vampire could have a child with aside from another vampire was a demon, but demon magic could not have protected her from Heavenly Fire. She came at me again, but I grabbed her arm and threw her backwards, moving over to Lily and Jamie.

            “We need a plan and fast. I don’t know what’s going on or what she is, but we need to work together if we want to live. Truce?” Lily nodded and we turned to where Sasha was slowly getting to her feet, shaking her head and staggering for a moment before standing up straight and narrowing her eyes at us. Her movements were slowing down, but she was still too much for us to handle.

            “My Fire doesn’t work against her and she won’t stay still long enough for me to use my eyes. Got any ideas about how to stop her?” I asked, bracing myself as Sasha hissed and started towards us, her balance slightly off as she kept shaking her head.

            “Jamie, do you think you can stop her if we hold her for long enough?” Lily’s voice was soft as she turned to the boy behind her. He seemed to think about it for a moment then nodded. This was enough for Lily and she turned back to the approaching vampire.

            “You distract her and I’ll jump on her back and pin her arms. Your jobs is to keep her fangs away from Jamie, ok? On three.” I crouched, waiting for Sasha to get closer.

            “One…Two…Three!” We pounced, me in front, her behind. She growled and went for my still bleeding neck. I spun and grabbed her neck, gritting my teeth at the sheer amount of power she was using to try and free herself. Lily jumped on her back and pinned her arms tilting her head up and away from my arm.

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