Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Sasha

            The chime of the oven told me that the pizza was done. I reached in and grabbed it, the hot tray burning my hand. I didn’t care though. I deserved it for being a monster. I could feel Zachariah’s eyes watching me. The vampire side of me wanted to attack him, to stop the tingling feeling of being watched. I swallowed a growl and focused on the pain in my hand. The skin was red and raw and was starting to peel from where I still clutched the hot tray. I watched as the burn started to heal, the skin already starting to stitch back together. Freak! Abomination! Aidyn’s voice rang in my ears and I tightened my grip on the tray.

            “You know, you can put the tray on the counter.” Zachariah’s voice came from behind me and I froze before turning and putting it down. 5 perfectly preserved fingers were formed in the metal from where I had held it. I am a freak, I thought as I pulled out a knife and cut the pizza into slices. Zachariah was still staring, waiting for me to look at him. I refused to make eye contact, focusing instead on making the slices as exact as possible.

            “Sasha, look at me.” I kept my eyes down, but turned so I was facing him.

            “What happened before? Why can’t you tell me what you are?” His voice was gentle, but I could hear the impatient tone below.

            “You won’t accept it.” He let out a frustrated sigh, but Lily walked over to the kitchen and told us that Jamie was awake. I nodded and quickly placed plates and glasses on the island. Jamie walked in, yawning and rubbing his silver eyes. They sat down and started eating while I washed the pizza tray and set out glasses for them. I should feed now so that I won’t have to later.  I sped up until I was basically invisible to the others and grabbed a blood bag and ran to the bathroom where they couldn’t see me, ignoring their confused yells. They already thought I was a monster, the last thing I needed was to give them more proof. I left the door slightly open while I drank, listening to their voices that floated through the air.

            “Where did she go?”

            “I don’t know, she just vanished.”

            “Well why would she do that? What were you two talking about before I came over?”

            “We weren’t really talking. I asked her what she was, she grabbed the pizza tray until her hand was all burned, then you came over.” They were silent for a moment while Lily thought about this. Zachariah’s voice broke the silence.

            “What do you think the chances are that she could get these collars off of us? I mean she managed to get the others off without a problem, why not these ones? Then we could be free without having to go and get whatever thing we’re supposed to get.” I scoffed quietly, taking another long swig from the bag. Yeah, no problem at all. I just got electrocuted, no biggie.

            “I doubt it. They turned down the shock on our other collars for her. Plus these ones are stronger and nastier. I heard a rumor that they have 5,000 watts of electricity locking them and that they release knockout gas and silver if removed without a key. Not to mention she would never disobey Venator.” Lily’s voice was morosely depressing.

            “But there’s a chance.”

I stared at my hands; one burned one normal. Could I do it? Maybe. Would I do it? Never. I had proven myself trustworthy and I knew the instant I broke that trust, every COVAC operator in the nation would be after me. I finished the bag and ran back to the kitchen area, threw out the bag, then stopped behind Zachariah.

            “I’m sorry, but there’s no way for me to remove your collars.” Might as well shoot them down now before they get more hopeful. Zachariah yelled and spun around, his wings exploding out of his back in a shower of opal feathers. His eyes glowed gold as he stared at me. He took a calming breath before talking.

            “Why not?” He crossed his arms, staring at me with an annoyed look.

            “Firstly, I don’t think I could withstand its security. Secondly, even if I could, I wouldn’t do it. I promised my master he could trust me and I won’t break my word.” His lip curled in disgust as I said the word ‘master’, but I didn’t care. I was thankful he decided to be my master everyday. Better that he calls himself my master than my executioner.

            “Ugh, you’re one of those servants.” His voice rose in a mocking falsetto. “Oh my master is so kind! He hasn’t killed me yet and only beats me on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He is such a kind person that he even lets me have a new bar of soap to clean the floors with every month. It’s like I’m basically family.” He made a disgusted sound then turned to Lily who was watching us with her mouth a perfect “o”. I felt my fangs drop from my gums and I knew my eyes were burning crimson.

            “You don’t know anything about me.” I turned and ran towards the door.

            I ran through the dusty warehouse into the bright sunlight outside. A stray cat hissed at me as I walked between the abandoned buildings, it’s dark green eyes full of fear and spite. I turned away, staring at the random litter piled up against the buildings. I had been taunted and baited for most of my life, so why did Zachariah’s comment upset me so much? It’s because he’s right. The thought seemed so ridiculous, but it was true. Even though they took everything from me, I still give them my undying loyalty. I stared at my hands, the burned one still slightly red. They started to tremble as I made my decision.

            I walked back into the safe house, my hands still shaking as I opened the trap door. There would be no going back after this, no second chances. I swallowed as I walked towards where they were still sitting around the kitchen counter. Zachariah stopped whatever he was saying as I approached, his face confused as I walked up to him.

            “I’ll do it.” I took a deep breath. “I’ll take off your collars and set you free.” Zachariah and Lily both had dumbstruck faces while Jamie was staring off into the distance, his eyes occasionally flashing silver.

            I stepped closer and grabbed Zachariah’s collar. This is going to hurt. I gripped hard and pulled until I heard the sickening screech of tearing metal. Like before, electricity coursed through me along with a cloud of silver knockout gas. The last thing I heard was Lily yelling Zachariah’s name. Then everything went black.

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