Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Isaac

I held my breath as I stared down at her. Her eyes were shut, sealed with dried blood, and despite it being two days, the burns were still an angry red. Her body had gone into survival mode. Dark veins lined  the visible parts of her neck and face, and her chest was still as her body refused to breathe. Her clothes were burned and only shreds remained. I pulled out the vial in my pocket, pouring every last drop down her throat. I quickly pulled out the switchblade from my pocket and slit my wrist, hoping that this would work. I waited as the blood dripped into her mouth, sighing with relief as she swallowed and took a deep breath. Quicker than I expected, her fangs shot out and sunk into my arm. I grunted, biting my lip to prevent myself from yelling out. She froze but I just muttered to her that it was alright as she continued to drink. Just as suddenly as she had started, she stopped. She frowned as she inhaled my scent, before forcing her eyes open. "Isaac, what are you doing here?" She asked confused.

"You didn't report in for more than two days after the nephilim's collar alarm went off. My father sent us to find you and figure out what happened." Her crimson eyes turned towards Aidyn, the frown on her face deepening.

"I've been out for two days?" She looked at her burned arms and tattered shreds of clothing. "The last thing I remember was bright light then a lot of pain, then nothing." She shook her head and yawned, her fangs flashing in the light of the lantern.

"The electrical reaction from the collar activated my powers and they amplified inside of me. You got the main blast of it." The nephilim said from where he sat next to the darkling. I refused to look at her face. The empty sockets were just too disturbing. Sasha turned towards him, then looked at the girl.

"Lily...?" Her scarlet eyes took in the damage that the nephilim's power had wrought. The darkling turned towards her voice, her hand moving around next to her. The seer had moved back next to her and grabbed her hand. His eyes changed from grey to glowing silver. 

"Sasha, do you think you could heal them?" Her voice was pleading as she tightened her grip on the seer. Sasha looked down at her hands before looking back at the darkling.

"I guess I could try, but I don't think it will work the way you want it to." She said sadly as she started dragged herself over to the darkling. I grabbed her arm gently, preventing her from moving. 

"Sasha, I don't think you should go near her right now." I looked into her eyes, the burning crimson staring back at me questionly.

"He's right Snowflake. You'll probably end up draining her." She shook her head. "Despite everything, I'm not that thirsty." She responded.

"Sasha, how do you feel right now? Does anything seem unusual?" I asked, searching for any sign of violet in her irises.

"Everything is a little strange looking, like it's too focused and the colors are too strong. I can see individual motes of ash. I don't normally see everything this sharply." She said with a frown.

"That's because your eyes are changed Snowflake." Aidyn said rolling his eyes. I gave him a look and he sighed before stepping closer.

"You need to feed some more. Your body is too damaged at the moment to go back to normal." He said. I went to offer her my arm again, but she pushed it away, slowly getting to her feet and walking away. I frowned and walked after her, grabbing an extra lantern as we went. She limped over to a kitchen area and pulled open a fridge, grabbing the bags of blood from a cooler. She tore them open with her teeth and drank every bag. She stopped when there was nothing left, slowly disposing of the bags and closing the fridge.

"Sasha, look at me." I grabbed her chin gently and tilted her head up. I sighed in relief as I saw the violet returning to her eyes and her fangs retracted back to their normal size. The burns on her skin started to slowly knit themselves back together, changing from a fiery red to a faint pink. I just stood there, staring into her eyes. A throat cleared behind me and I reluctantly released her face, turning to look at Aidyn who was waiting expectantly. Sasha just walked away, back towards the others.

"Why do you do this to yourself Isaac? You know that you can never have her and that she will never want you. You need to get over her." He said, crossing his arms as he waited for my reaction.

"Do you think I want to like her? I know that nothing can come of my affection for her, I'm not stupid, but I can't control how I feel." I hissed back, turning and walking after her. He grumbled, but followed after a few seconds.

"...can't regenerate them, but I can heal the wound until we find someone who can." Sasha said to the darkling. The girl nodded, her hand still clasped tight in the seer's. "This is going to feel very strange, and I would suggest that after the blood goes in, you let them heal with your eyelids closed." She nodded and tilted her head back, waiting as Sasha grabbed my abandoned knife and cut through her wrist, the wound deep enough to not heal before doing what it needed to do.

"Alright, I'm going to do the left one first." She held her arm over the darklings face, watching as the blood poured into the socket. After a few seconds, she moved to the other one before pulling back and licking her wound shut.

"Alright, now close your eyes and don't open them, alright?" The darkling nodded and finally those awful sockets were gone, hidden behind ash-coated eyelids. Sasha pulled back and no one moved for a minute, all of us watching the darkling. Suddenly, Aidyn let out a sound of disgust as he stared at the beings next to us.

"You guys really really need to take a shower. You reek of ash and burned flesh." He said with a grimace. Sasha cracked a small grin and nodded, helping the darkling and seer to their feet as the nephilim stood behind them.

"This way." She said, leading them all towards the bathrooms. I sat on the cleanest part of the floor I could find, vaguely listening as Aidyn called his father and gave him an update. I grabbed a warped piece of metal from the floor turning it over as I realized it was the collar. Despite being reinforced and protected, she had still managed to completely shred the metal. Oh Sasha, what have you done?


I finally updated!!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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