Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Lily

            The sound of crackling energy filled the room as Sasha collapsed onto the floor. Zach’s eyes flared a gold so bright it was like looking into the sun and his wings glowed like stars. He yelled and arched his back and lightning began flying off of him. The smell of burning flesh filled my nose and I gagged.

            “Zach!” I tried to run forward, but the lightening was still shooting off of him in a shower of sparks. A cloud of silver had sprayed out of the collar and formed a shimmery cloud around them. Zach screamed as two huge bolts shot out of his eyes. They exploded into the metal cages surrounding the weapons. I screamed as the whole wall lit up with electricity, the weapons all going off while the actual wall shot miniature lightning bolts all across the training area. I jumped on Jamie and pinned him to the floor, covering his body with mine.

            I felt my wings come out and wrap around us, but they didn’t do much as another huge bolt from Zach shot right at us and hit me. I let out a bloodcurdling scream. I felt like I had been lit on fire from the inside out. My body jerked repeatedly as the electricity flowed through me into the floor. I was vaguely aware of Jamie calling my name, as darkness consumed me.

            Everything was black. I looked around then down and started to panic. I couldn’t see anything. Was I blind? Where was I? What had happened? All I remembered was pain. Horrible, burning pain. And light. A lot of light. Something about a collar maybe?

            The memory came back in a flash. Sasha pulling off the collar. Zach turning into a living lightening rod. The wall of weapons all going off at once. I was hit by a lightening bolt. That realization brought others along with it. Was I even alive? I knew I would end up in Hell if I died. It was a fact about demons, even darklings, that when we died we would end up back home, trapped until we managed to escape again or get killed for good in Hell.

            The familiar smell of charred flesh filled my nose and I retched. I tried to open my eyes, but nothing happen. I felt my hands slowly move up and touch my face. Cautiously, I touched my face. I yelped in pain as I started to move up my burned cheeks towards my eyes. I touched them gently and realized they were sealed shut with blood. Sobbing quietly, I rubbed the blood off and opened my eyes. I sobbed harder when I realized I still couldn’t see. I touched my eyes again to make sure they were really open. My hands were wet with blood as I felt the burned sockets where my eyes used to be.

            I don’t know how long I lay there crying, it could have been minutes or it could have been days. I was blind. Honest to Satan blind. A low groan caught my attention and I stopped crying, trying to hear who or what, it was.

            “Lily? Lily! Oh God! Lily, can you hear me?” Jamie’s voice was panicked and scared. It must look horrible. I’m so sorry you have to see this Jamie. I mean he’s only 13.

            “I can hear you Jamie. How bad are they?” I tried to keep the anxiety out of my voice. Maybe they could be healed using magic. Zach might be able to fix them or Sasha’s blood might work as well.

            “They’re gone. They’re completely gone!” Jamie was crying now. I had only heard him cry once and that was when he had first arrived at the prison and had seen dozens of visions at once of all the creatures that had lived in the COVEC. I stretched out blindly, feeling around until I found his hand. I grabbed it with my blood-soaked one, squeezing hard.

            I gasped as I felt his power flow through me and suddenly I could see myself in the dim light of an electric lantern. Where my eyes had been were bloody pits and my face was charred and bloody. I looked down and saw Jamie’s hand holding onto mine. I followed Jamie’s arm then realized I was holding my hand.

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