1. How You Meet

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Ray Toro -
You were both in shopping with friends and you bumped into each other and realised you had the same karate classes as each other. The next class you said Hi and introduced yourselves while exchanging numbers.

Frank Iero -
You were skateboarding down the street and nearly bumped into someone. You apologise and make up excuses to say it was your fault and that you should have been looking. Frank would come a way with some smooth pick up line to meet up again.

Gerard Way -
It was a late Saturday night and you were putting away some come comic books as the store was always empty this late. The bell rang on the door indicating someone walked in and you looked up at the man. You two began chatting because you had nothing else do to do. Just as you locking up you noticed a piece of paper with his name and number on it.

Mikey Way -
You just finished up your shift at the local charity shop and was walking home when someone had dropped their wallet. Not being the selfish person you looked at the card for a phone number and called it then told them about how you found it. You agreed to meet up at Starbucks for a coffee and to give him his wallet back. You kept his number and he kept yours.

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