3. First Kiss

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Frank Iero -
He stayed over at yours (he slept on the couch) and he was singing really loudly and off pitch to the music playing. "FRANK SHUT UP" You yell up the stairs and the response you get is "ONLY IF YOU KISS ME" you quickly walk up the stairs and slam his lips on to yours. He kept to his word and shut up.

Gerard Way -
It was kind of awkward because you were out with friends and they were saying you were to innocent to do anything even kissing. Having enough of this, you grab Gerard's jaw and quickly kiss him while hoping this would make everyone stop saying things about your relationship.

Ray Toro -
While you were in the back garden in the pool you were splashing around and he splashes your face and you splash him back. Your both gigging really heavily and when it dies down, you look into each eyes and slowly leaned in and it was magical.

Mikey Way -
Mikey was watching a movie and you couldn't get his attention. You tried everything saying the house was on fire, shouting Pete Wentz was outside waiting for him......nothing worked. So you gave up and smashed your lips onto his and then pulled away finally getting through to him and asking what he wanted for his lunch.

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