17. You Meet His Family

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Gerard Way -
It was Sunday Evening, Gerard and You were going over to his mothers house for Sunday Dinner along Mikey and his Girlfriend. You got there at 6:00 but when you did their Mother was shouting at Mikey saying that his girlfriends not going to do anything. She will expect money to be rolling in, you also picked up that this happened because she said that she doesn't have a job. They both went storming out and left. You awkwardly waved to his parents and they smiled at you. They already liked you because you had a fairly well payed job and that you wanted kids after marriage. They welcomed you with open arms.

Mikey Way - Mikey and You were going for meal at the Way household and you were really nervous to meet his parents. So when you walked, you were introduced and welcomed but then it went down hill because they asked a few question like if you have a job or when you wanted kids. Donna took Mikey into the hall and started to say somethings like she won't to anything for you and she only wants your money and fame. It then turned into a screaming match. Just as Gerard and his Girlfriend walked in, you two stormed out.

Frank Iero -
You had already met his Parents since you were High School friends sooooo..........

Ray Toro -
It was Wednesday, the day that you would meet Ray's family for the first time. You were nervous to say the least. But when they walked in and seen your nervous smile. They just laughed and said it doesn't matter what your like or what you look like but you make Ray happy and that's all they ask for. You made them tea and coffee and they got to know you better and you got to know them better while Ray just sat there and smiled at the bond between you.

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