2. First Date

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Mikey Way -
He wanted to be really chessy so he hired a pick up truck and you both went watch the stars while getting to know more about each other. You ended up cuddled tightly into his side, asleep and he couldn't help but smile at how cute you looked.

Gerard Way -
YOU insisted on taking HIM out, so you took him a old comic book store with a endless supply of coffee for free. It was just on a small corner and it was never busy because not alot of people know about it. Gerard had a freaking field day in that place and thanked you so many times. He ended up staying for 3 hours just curled up in a corner with you both happily reading every single comic the store had.

Frank Iero -
He knew you loved dogs so he brought you to a cafe which had little puppies just walking around and he rented the cafe for a whole just for the two of you. The energy you spent playing with little black labs while they play fought each other. Although your favourite was the pug it was so small and it just curled up and fell asleep on your lap. You ended up taking it home.

Ray Toro -
You loved creepy things so when he took on a tour of the most haunted places locally, you couldn't help but thank him so much. Although you did scare quite a few times with jumpscares.
Even it was meant to creep people out you couldn't help but smile because Ray listened enough to you speaking to know you LOVE this kind of stuff. 

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