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The girl that had saved me from the yellow eyed creatures pulled me through the forest. She seemed to know this island like the back of her hand. Neither me or the girl seemed to be out of breath by the time we stopped. Back at the orphanage sometimes Mrs. C would lock us outside in the cold with only the thin rags on our bodies and make us run laps. She said it was to keep us all healthy but it knew it was just a way to break us all down.

Once the girl and I were at a full stop I took the time to examine her. She seemed to be wearing a weird green outfit and her blond haired was pulled up in a messy bun. Using all the clues of her features I guessed that she was Tinkerbell.

"Thanks for saving me." I said after I had made the conclusion that she was Tinkerbell.

"It was no problem." She responded. "I'm Tinkerbell by the way but you can call me Tink." She said holding her hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Amy." I introduced shaking her hand.

"You're Pan's girl aren't you?" She asked looking at me for an answer.

"I am not anyone's girl I am my own person." I snapped.

"Now I know who's side you're on." Tink said with a smile on her face.

"Do you happen to know how to get off this island?" I asked hoping she would have an answer.

"Listen to me, I can't say very much but I have a plan and I will get you off this island." Tink explained grabbing both of my shoulders.

"What?" I asked not really sure what was going on.

"I'll meet up with you again but right now I have to return you to Pan otherwise he'll be suspicious." Tink said still leaving me clueless.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Pan sent all of his lost boys and me to keep a look out for you. Somehow you were able to get away from Pan." Tink explained.

"Wait so you're on his side but you're not on his side?" I questioned trying to get a feel for what was going on.

"Yep." Tink said a smile being brought to her face.

"And you have some plan to help me get off the island?" I asked piecing together the puzzle that was Tink.

"Sounds about right. Now let's go." Tink motioned for me to follow her but I stood till in my tracks.

"I'll meet up with you again trust me we will find a way." Tink reassured noticing my reluctant expression.

Tink led to me back to the place I dreaded. Back to the demon and his lost boys. Once we were in view of the camp I could see Pan with a worry stricken face and his lost boys hustling about. Wait a minute a worry stricken Pan. Not possible.

"Hey Pan. I found her and before you think about punishing her I would like you to know that she came back willingly." Tink shouted catching everyone's attention.

"Thank you Tink you may go now." Pan ordered.

I looked at Tink with a thankful look and she just nodded at me in return. Once Tink was out of sight Pan grabbed my hand and pulled me into his tent. He then pulled me into a hug that seemed to last forever.

"Where were you, love? I was worried sick about you!" Pan whispered into my ear.

"I don't know." I muttered. I was very confused at Pan's change of attitude.

"Don't ever do that again." He scolded


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