Proposal and goodbye

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Jason was working out alone in a park, when Steve visited him.

-Hey, Steve said

Jason jumped off the bar and looked at him.

-Hey Steve, Jason replied.

-How are you doing?, Steve asked.

-I'm fine. Here, i'm working out as usual, Jason answered. Steve looked at him.

-I want to say a big thank you. For everything you did for me, Steve said.

-Don't mention it dude. It's nothing, Jason replied.

-You opened my eyes ans you made me realize that Cath is the only woman for me, said Steve.

Jason looked at him while wearing his t-shirt.

-I will tell you this : You have an amazing, lovable and great woman in your life. Don't you ever dare to hurt her again. Ever! You are lucky to have her. And she is lucky to have you too, Jason explained.

-The strange thing is that you are not mad or anything else. You broke up with her and you helped me reunite with her. Nobody else would do that, Steve said.

-Catherine isn't the one for me. You and me have a lot of things in common, but we also have a lot of differences. One main difference is that i can't always be there for Cath, like you do. You got through hell many times. You should really bear this in mind, Jason explained.

-This means that our rivarly is over?, Steve asked.

-Our rivarly ended when you came to me and told me that i was right. I see you as a respectful soldier and man right now. I also consider you a brother-in-arms, Jason said with a smile.

Steve looked at him. This man was a real role model for everyone. He had a great personality.

-Well, i guess that i have one more friend. Your family is very lucky to have you. They should be proud, Steve said.

The two men walked to the port. It was almost time for the sun to come down and be replaced by the moon.

Jason and Steve were near the White Tower, when they saw Catherine attending the sea. She was all alone and she looked extremely beautiful.

Steve stopped and took out the wedding ring he had bought for Cath. Jason looked at him.

-Go ahead and propose to her, Jason whispered.

-I... i can't..., Steve said.

-Why? What's wrong?, Jason asked.

-I'm afraid..., Steve replies.

Jason patted his shoulder gently.

-You've been waiting for this moment more than a year. Don't be stupid and go ahead!, Jason said and pushed Steve towards.

Steve walked to Catherine while Jason was signaling him go ahead and don't be afraid. Indeed, Steve reached Catherine and looked at her.

-Hey Cath, Steve said.

Catherine turned and looked at him.

-Hi Steve, said Catherine and gace him a kiss.

-What are you doing here all alone?, asked Steve as he returned the kiss.

-I wanted to see the sunset. It is very beautiful. Look at it. And this city makes the sunset a lot better, Catherine explained.

-It is beautiful indeed. And as i know from locals, Thessaloniki is the city of love and passion, Steve replied.

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