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"Hello, Dollface," Joker...

"I still need that new window. Some money to fix the drywall would be nice too," I mumbled.

"In due time, Mel. How about you come on over to my place and we can...chat about this 'window situation'."

"Are you crazy? There is no way I'm getting involved with you," I replied in disgust.

"Why yes, Dollface, I am crazy," he chuckled. "Now, get in the car, or your friend dies," his voice went deep and more maniacal. I rushed into Kacy's room and saw Harley with a gun to her head.

"Wouldn't want to wake her up now would we? In fact let's just have her never wake up again," Harley giggled. I ran outside and saw The Joker in a purple sports car.

"I knew you'd see it my way," he grinned. I got in the car, not saying a word. "Aw, Mel, don't be such a downer. The way I see it," he leaned in closer and whispered in my ear. "I'm helping you remember everything," I took a deep breath and finally spoke.

"Is Kacy going to be alright?" I asked.

"As long as you don't try anything funny."

"Where are we going?"

"Home," he replied, slamming the gas. I screamed and held onto the seat for dear life.

"Come on, you used to love this!" I think he saw the tears flowing down my cheeks because he slowed down. "We're here. Wipe your eyes," was the first thing he said. I obeyed and wiped the running mascara off of my face. "I think you look good like that. The whole racoon eyes thing works for you," he smirked.

"Why am I here?" I asked. He held open the door for me and I walked inside hesitantly. It was a large, open apartment building with a view of the city. It was very modern looking and was definitely nicer than my apartment. I saw a room with a plaque that had my name on it. Joker put his hands on my shoulders, squeezing them slightly.

"This was your old room. We're putting it back to use," he whispered. I looked at another room that had a skull carved into the door. It felt so familiar. I bolted towards the door and opened it. I found myself standing in front of a room made completely out of metal. Except for the leather straps on the metal table. Something flashed and I fell to the ground.

"Jack, let me go!" I struggled to get out of his grasp. "I'm not going to be your next toy! You can't treat me like that! Maybe Harley doesn't mind, but I do!" I kicked him in the stomach and he smirked.

"Y'know, Dollface, I thought you said you'd do anything for me. Anything at all. Or am I just remembering things wrong?" I rubbed my wrist and Jack bolted at me, grabbing my wrists and pinning me against the wall. My head hurt as the impact threw it against the metal. "I own you, Mel," my sleeve fell to reveal the damage that had been done. The letter J was tattooed onto my wrist, never to come off.

"No! I'm done, Jack!" I yelled in his face. Jack's grin grew wider as he threw me on the floor. I tried to escape, but he grabbed my leg and smashed me against the table. My eyes started to close slowly as Jack's grin faded.



Hello, lovelies! Hope you liked this chapter!

Just so there's no confusion, the italicized paragraphs are Melanie's memories being flooded back to her. There will be plenty more of these in future updates.

Thanks again for reading this story! All votes, comments, and shares are appreciated (unless you're being extremely negative and not at all constructive then just get out. The door looks like an 'x' or back button. Just get out of here rn please. K thanks).

-Berry x

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