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"Walk," Jack whispered in my ear. I got up and he held onto my forearm as I followed him. Some of the goons tied up Jeff and carried him into the same room as me. The room where I lost my memory. Jack strapped me to a metal table and the goons sat Jeff in the corner with duct tape on his mouth. "Well, well, well," Jack taunted us. I was horrified of what he might do. "Looks like we have a budding romance here in the workplace," Jack chuckled and threw a knife in Jeff's direction. I screamed and let a few tears slip from my eyes. "Or maybe, he's taking advantage of you," Jack whispered. "Ever thought of that, Dollface? He's acting. This whole good guy thing is merely a facade. He's just a buffoon who wanted to get into your pants."

"You're wrong!" I shouted. Jack just grinned.

"Now who kissed who?" he asked.

"I kissed him! You're wrong! You know nothing!" I shouted angrily. I was ashamed to think I'd been fooled by someone for my body.

"First," he added. "Who kissed who first?" I didn't respond. I just struggled to get out of my restraints. "That's what I thought," he growled. Jack walked over to Jeff and ripped the duct tape off of his mouth. "Answer the question."

"She did," Jeff growled. Jack walked back over to me.

"Since you two refuse to tell the truth, I'm going to have to hurt one of you," Jack leaned closer to my ear. "That means the girl strapped to the table."

Shivers went down my spine as Jack picked up his tools. I looked over at Jeff and he was struggling to get out of his restraints. I had accepted my fate and continued to stay still. I let tears fall from my eyes as Jack shined a large light in my eyes.

"Now this is simple. If your little lover boy over here says one word, he switches places with you. If not, the shocks will intensify and it will go on for ten seconds."

"You're really going to enjoy hurting me, aren't you?" I asked softly, tears spilling from my eyes.

"It's called consequences, dear," Jack whipped out a large leather strap and stuck it in my mouth. "If you can't handle the pain, then don't break the rules," Jack picked up two bars with metal tips and wires attached to them. "Any time now, you can save her from sufferable pain," he chuckled. Almost as if he knew Jeff wouldn't do anything to save me.

"You cruel bastard," I muttered. I didn't know who I was talking to, but it applies both ways. Jack applied the metal plates to my temples and I felt a slight discomfort that made my eyelids twitch. The pain slowly increased and in a few seconds, I was screaming at the top of my lungs. It was unbearable. I willingly let the tears fall out of my eyes and actually managed to rip apart one of the leather straps to get away from the pain. It subsided and I was twitching on the table. I look up at Jack to see him untying me from the table. He later untied Jeff and I looked over at him, shaking in shock and pain.

"You're not even going to rush over to her, ask if she's okay!" Jack chuckled. "You should all know something. I am always right," Jack walked out of the room and left us together.

"You...sicko..." I managed to say. The shaking started to subside and the only thing moving was a muscle in my cheek that twitched, pulling my expression into a snarl. I slowly got up off of the table and looked around the room.

"I'm sorry, Melanie. He would've killed me if I went near you!" Jeff hesitantly approached me but I pushed him away.

"Don't touch me," I snarled. I was searching through all of the drawers to find what I needed. No use.

"Are you looking for something to ease the pain?" he asked hesitantly.

"Yes," I mumbled. I kept looking and opened a cabinet with everything I needed. I grabbed a loaded gun and shot Jeff three times. Something in my brain was telling me that this was the only way to ease the pain. It really helped. I was still mildly shaking and twitching as I stepped out of the room to see Jack talking to one of the goons and showing him a plan. Jack looked over at me and smirked.

"How're you doing, Dollface?" my eyelids started to twitch and my nostrils were flared.

"I was just given an unhealthy amount of ECT and killed a man, yet didn't feel any regret. How do you think I'm doing, Jack?" I spat.

"You killed him?" Jack asked. I nodded slowly and he just laughed. "That's priceless, my dear!" Jack continued on cackling for a solid minute. "Jonny, take care of the dead body," Jack ordered.

"I want to see something blow up. I need to see an explosion," I mutter. Jack walks towards me and grabs my hand.

"Let's go then,"


Hello, Lovelies!

Early chapter for you guys! I just felt like it so yeah. This week has been stressful but ultimately alright. Pretty sure I failed my AP world test and I'm getting a letter grade off of my English project because my teacher hates me and said my presentation was "boring" because it wasn't in color (although that was the point). I also had some creep ask me out the day after I met him. After I rejected him, he told me the next day that he was searching for p*ssy so...I avoided a creeper fuckboy so yay. It's been a pretty strange week...

Thanks again for reading this story! All votes, comments, and shares are appreciated (unless you're being extremely negative and not at all constructive then just get out. The door looks like an 'x' or back button. Just get out of here rn please. K thanks).

-Berry x

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